Project Overview
UN Steering Committee on Poverty Statistics
  Activities and Meetings
  Outline of the Handbook as of October 2003
  Outline of the Handbook as of July 2004
Instructions on the Format of Manuscripts

1 January 2006

Handbook on Poverty Statistics:
Concepts, Methods and Policy Use


Chapter 4

Country Practices in Compiling Poverty Statistics

A poverty measurement practices survey done by the UN Statistics Division in 2004 confirmed that majority of the developing countries follow the so-called cost of basic needs approach in producing income or expenditure-based statistics. The steps involved in the approach are discussed and analyzed systematically. Practical difficulties met in implementing some of the steps are pointed out, such as choosing food thresholds and food baskets, estimating from aggregate household data per capita food and non-food consumption expenditures, and per capita expenditure or income distributions. Alternative ways of solving or circumventing some of these difficulties are proposed, with particular reference to food poverty statistics. Based on actual country practices, the major sources of non-comparability of poverty statistics are identified and possibilities for improvement are proposed. Other complementary poverty statistics produced by some countries are discussed briefly, such as unmet basic needs indicators, relative poverty measures, and subjective poverty measures.

Chapter 4