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Worldwide consultationIn order to ensure a wide consultations throughout the revision process for the International Recommendations for Energy Statistics (IRES), UNSD has set up a two-stage consultation process. The first stage (May-June 2008) was carried out to review the scope and content of the future recommendations, whereas the second stage (July-August 2010) reviewed the provisional draft of IRES. 1st stage of the worldwide consultation The 1st stage of the worldwide consultation was launched on 14 May 2008. A letter was sent to countries and international/regional organizations to seek their views on the draft outline of IRES, which was prepared in close cooperation with the Oslo Group on Energy Statistics. In order to facilitate country responses, the letter and the draft outline of IRES were also made available in French, Spanish and Russian. Letter to countries: [English], [French], [Spanish], [Russian] Consultation paper: [English], [French], [Spanish], [Russian] Summary report: [English] 2nd stage of the worldwide consultation The 2nd stage of the worldwide consultation was launched on 2 July 2010. A letter was sent to countries and international/regional organizations to seek their views on the provisional draft of IRES. A questionnaire accompanied the provisional draft in order to facilitate country responses. The summary of the responses will be prepared in October 2010 and the comments will be discussed at the 2nd Meeting of the UN Expert Group on Energy Statistics, which will be held in New York, 2-5 November 2010. Letter to countries: [English]