Last Updated: 1 October 2010
2010 World PHC
CensusInfo Training

The United Nations Statistics Division organizes CensusInfo training workshops. Two types of training are organized, regional workshops as well as individualized training for countries. The overall objective of the training is to enhance the capacity of participants, and ultimately of countries, in the use the CensusInfo database system to disseminate census data. The training is designed to be outcome-oriented consisting of a series of demonstrations followed by practical exercises. Participants learn how to create a CensusInfo database with indicators on which the data are disseminated, as well as how to perform various data administration utilities including data exchange to facilitate uploading of data into the CensusInfo system. Participants also learn how to generate tables, graphs, maps, reports and profiles from the CensusInfo database. The training also covers how to create a web application for CensusInfo.

For information on regional training workshops that have been organized by the United Nations Statistics Division, see

Information on technical support packages is available at



For further information, contact:

Demographic Statistics Section
Statistics Division
United Nations
Room DC2-1556
New York, NY 10017, U.S.A.

Fax: +1-212-963-1940