Last Updated: 18 April 2011
2010 World PHC
What is CensusInfo

The United Nations Statistics Division, in partnership with UNICEF and UNFPA, has developed a software package, CensusInfo to help countries disseminate their census data on CD-ROM and on the web. More...

Main Features

CensusInfo is a tool to disseminate data on the web and on CD-ROM.
CensusInfo includes census topics and a suggested list of census indicators with accompanying metadata. More ...
CensusInfo can be customized to meet country-specific census indicators.
CensusInfo presents indicators by time period, and geographic area, up to sub-national level, with extensive metadata.
CensusInfo generates user-defined tables, graphs, maps and reports.
CensusInfo can import data from other software applications, such as CSPro, SAS, SPSS and Redatam.
Comparison with other software solutions

CensusInfo is specifically designed for census data dissemination. It combines a set of features which can not be found as such in most other software solutions. To help users, a comparison with other software packages in the context of data dissemination can be found here.



For further information, contact:

Demographic Statistics Section
Statistics Division
United Nations
Room DC2-1556
New York, NY 10017, U.S.A.

Fax: +1-212-963-1940