The World's Women 2010: Trends and Statistics


Chapter 5 - Power and decision-making

Key findings

Becoming the Head of State or Head of Government remains elusive for women, with only 14 women in the world currently holding either position.
In just 23 countries do women comprise a critical mass – over 30 per cent – in the lower or single house of their national parliament.
Worldwide on average only one in six cabinet ministers is a woman.
Women are highly underrepresented in decision-making positions at local government levels.
In the private sector, women continue to be severely underrepresented in the top decisionmaking positions.
Only 13 of the 500 largest corporations in the world have a female Chief Executive Officer.

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Statistical Annex:
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Selected visual statistics (Click on the graph to enlarge)

Source: Computed by the United Nations Statistics Division based on data from United Cities and Local Governments (2009) and national sources. Note: Unweighted averages; the numbers in brackets indicate the number of countries with available data.

Source: Computed by the United Nations Statistics Division based on data from United Nations, The World’s Women 2000: Trends and Statistics (2000); and Inter-Parliamentary Union and United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women, Women in Politics: 2008 (2008).
Note: Unweighted averages. No data for Eastern Asia 1998.