International Seminar on Gender Statistics
Incheon, Republic of Korea, 12-14 November 2013
List of documents
DOCUMENTATION FOR THE WORKSHOP ESA/STAT/AC.275/L.1 Agenda 41 KBESA/STAT/AC.275/L.2 List of Participants 27 KBESA/STAT/AC.275/L.3 Conclusions and Recommendations 65 KB
Opening Opening Welcome address - Mr. Hyungsoo Park, Commissioner, Statistics Korea
25 KBOpening statement - Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, Acting Director, UNSD
40 KBHow Does Gender Mainstreaming Coexist with Gender Statistics in South Korea? Ms. Keum-Sook CHOE , Korean Women’s Development Institute
18 MBSession 1 Integrating a Gender Perspective into Statistics Integrating a Gender Perspective into Statistics - Ms. Francesca Grum, UNSD
619 KBGender Statistics in Korea: Notable Development and Its Implication - Ms. Youkyoung MOON, KWDI, Korea 14 MB385 KBMainstreaming gender and official statistics - Ms. Sara DEMOFONTI, ISTAT-Italy 650 KBIntegrating Gender into Statistics: The Philippine Experience - Ms. Anna Jean CASANAS, NSCB, Philippines
565 KBSession 2 Women's career discontinuity statistics The Role of Statistics in relation to the WLB Policy and it’s Implementation - Ms. Seungah HONG, KWDI, Korea 1.73 MBStatistics to Support Policies on Work and Life Balance - Ms. Kyunghee KIM, KOSTAT, Korea 1.54 MBBarriers to women’s labour force participation - Ms. Caroline DALEY, ABS, Australia 1.56 MBSession 3 Time Use Statistics Time Use and the International Classification of Activities for Time Use Statistics (ICATUS) - Ms. Francesca GRUM, UNSD 662 KBTime use statistics: Best practices from the Mexican Case - Ms. Jimena TOVAR, INEGI – Mexico 3.26 MBImprovements in the 2014 Korean Time Use Survey - Ms. Jonghee CHOI, KOSTAT, Korea 1.13 MBChanging the terms of economic and policy debates: the importance of collecting and archiving time use surveys in the promotion of gender justice - Ms. Kimberly FISHER, IATUR 441 KBCulture and Gender Statistics: Taking an Example of Gender Preference in East Asia - Mr. Kisoo EUN, SNU, Korea 366 KBTime use and gender inequality in Korea: differences in paid, unpaid and non-productive activities - Ms. Miyoung AN, Kookmin Univ., Korea 98 KB2004 Time Use Survey in Cambodia - Ms. Lina Hang, Cambodia 1.29 MBTime use Pilot surveys in Indonesia - Ms. Mariet Nuryetty, Indonesia 745 KBSession 4 Measuring violence against women Measuring Violence Against Women - Ms. Linda HOOPER, UNSD 315 KBNational Study on Domestic Violence against Women Sharing Experience from Viet Nam - Ms. Nga NGUYEN, General Statistics Office, Vietnam 1.20 MBMeasuring violence against women: the case of Mexico - Ms. Jimena TOVAR, INEGI, Mexico 799 KBMeasuring Violence Against Women : Operationalization of surveys: Key points - Ms. Linda HOOPER, UNSD 317 KBThe Italian Women Safety Survey - Ms. Sara DEMOFONTI, ISTAT, Italy 1.55 MBMeasuring violence against women: The Canadian experience - Mr. Francois NAULT, Statistics Canada 916 KBViolence Against Women (VAW) Survey 2011 - Mr. Fokir Mohammad ALAUDDIN, Bangladesh 124 KBPrevalence and incidence of violence against women in Korea - Ms. Mijeong LEE, KWDI 1.59 MBMeasuring Violence against Women: The Philippine Experience - Ms. Anna Jean CASANAS, NSCB, Philippines 1.65 MBData processing and analysis and conclusions - Ms. Linda HOOPER, UNSD 624 KBJordanian experiences majoring Domestic violence against women - Ms. Amani Joudeh, Jordan 305 KBGender based violence: Violence against women quantitative survey - Ms. Jargalsaikhan Tsogzolmaa, Mongolia 513 KBChallenges around data collection on violence against women using surveys - Ms. Henriette Jansen, Consultant 50 KB
For comments or inquiries contact:
Ms. Linda Hooper
Demographic and Social Statistics Branch
United Nations Statistics Division
New York, NY 10017, USA
Phone: 212 963 7771