About 8GFGS

Building forward fairer with gender data at the centre.

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the Swiss Confederation, is organizing the 8th Global Forum on Gender Statistics under the Global Gender Statistics Programme and the guidance of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics (IAEG-GS).

The Forum will bring together producers, users and communicators of gender statistics from national and international statistical offices, other government agencies, international organizations, academia, civil society, private sector, media and the donor community. On this occasion, the Forum is taking place as countries come to face the consequences of the COVID-19 global pandemic and assess the effectiveness of their responses to this crisis and its long-lasting effects.

The common thread during the two-day discussions will be an outlook of the aftermath of the pandemic. Beyond the impact of COVID-19, the Forum’s intention is to tease out those aspects of gender equality and the production of gender statistics that have changed -highlighting how and why.

Panelists and audience will discuss ways to improve data and evidence for gender policies, reflecting on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on all aspects of women’s and men’s lives, and what it means for keeping the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development on track.

The 8th Global Forum on Gender Statistics will be the last event on the “Road to Bern” series, taking place right before the 3rd World Data Forum (UNWDF 2021) to be held in Bern and hosted by the Government of Switzerland.

About 8GFGS

How to Participate

The registration for virtual participation is now open.