Programme Committee decisions on the proposals submitted in the Call for Programme Proposals will now be sent on Wednesday, 22 May 2024.

The United Nations World Data Forum in Review
Hangzhou Declaration, UN World Data Forum 2023

A quick snapshot of the UN World Data Forum 2023 can be viewed here.


Seven lessons we should learn from the pandemic

Dec 13, 2023

Steve MacFeely

Mark Hereward

In the first two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, countries reported that 5.4 million people died of Covid-19. Tragic as this was, it is almost certainly an underestimate. At WHO we estimate during those same 2 years when we include indirect effects, or what we call excess mortality associated with Covid-19, the death toll was closer to 14.9 million deaths. In 2022 an additional 1.5 million deaths were reported. But for the exchange of scientific data, it could have been much worse.

Governments need more socioeconomic data on forced displacement – here are three ways data innovation can help

Jun 13, 2023

Paddy Brock

Harriet Mugera

As the number of people around the world forced to flee their homes exceeds 100 million, the need for data to underpin effective responses has never been more urgent. However, the transition from situational assessments to high quality socioeconomic microdata on forced displacement produced by national statistical offices will take time. In the interim, can innovative approaches accelerate and enhance the generation and use of socioeconomic data on forced displacement to inform effective action? The consensus at a workshop held recently at UN City in Copenhagen was ‘yes, it can’, and the most fruitful opportunities identified were rooted in complementing and reinforcing traditional approaches.


UN World Data Forum webinar
Launching the UNWDF “Commit to Data” Campaign: Transforming Dialogue into Action and Impact

July 30 2024, 10:00 to 11:00 am (ET)

United Nations Dataforum

The following key topics will be covered:

  • Introduce the UNWDF Commitments Campaign and its goals.
  • Showcase examples of current commitments from diverse sectors.
  • Provide guidance and answer questions on how to submit and promote commitments.

UN World Data Forum webinar
Information session on the call for programme proposals for Medellín 2024

January 30 2024, 9:00 to 10:15 am (ET)

Key questions covered in this webinar will include:

  • What are the benefits and appeal of submitting a proposal
  • What are the expectations and responsibilities for an organizer if their proposal is chosen
  • What does an attractive proposal look like according to the Programme Committee