Conference on Climate Change and Official Statistics
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Conference on Climate Change, Development and Official Statistics in the Asia-Pacific Region
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Conference on Climate Change
and Official Statistics

Oslo, Norway
14 – 16 April 2008

Conference Abstracts


European Environment Agency (EEA)

Prof. Jacqueline McGlade

EEA needs for climate change statistics


Statistics Finland, Greenhouse Gas Inventory Unit

Riitta Pipatti Official statistics as data sources for national greenhouse gas inventories – classification issues and quality requirements
Economic Analysis and Statistics Division, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry (DSTI), OECD Yoshiaki Tojoa and Norihiko Yamano The measurement of CO2 embodiments in international trade: Evidence from the OECD Input-Output Tables for the mid 1990s – early 2000s
Global Security Research Institute, Keio University Satoshi Nakano, Asako Okamura and Masayuki Suzuki
Planning Group, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry Norihisa Sakurai

 Environmental Sciences Division,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

RJ Andres, TA Boden, G. Marland

The Use of UN-Supplied Fuel Production and Trade Statistics for the Estimation of Global and National Fossil-Fuel-Derived Carbon Dioxide Emissions

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis G. Marland

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Astrid Olsson Reporting and review of GHG inventories under the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol

Division for Environmental Statistics, Statistics Norway

Katherine Loe Hansen Role of Statistics Norway in estimating and disseminating information on greenhouse gas emissions, emphasizing the importance of national statistics as model input

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

Dr. Konstantin Laykam Challenges of information support for calculation of greenhouse gas emissions
Central Statistical Office and Ministry of Environment, Mauritius Anand Sookun
Santaram Mooloo
GHG emission inventory – the case of Mauritius


Australian Bureau of Statistics

Peter Harper Climate change and water:  How water accounts can help our understanding
CREAS (Regional Climate Change Scenarios for South America) Jose A. Marengo Regional Climate Change Scenarios for South America-The CREAS project

Environment Accounts and Statistics Division, Statistics Canada

Robert Smith Are central statistical offices prepared to track the impacts of climate change?

Hungarian Central Statistical Office – Tibor FARAGO (Hungarian Ministry of Environment and Water)

Eva Laczka Climate change policy making and the need for adequate statistical information with special regard to agricultural sector

Social Statistics Division, Central Statistical Organisation
Ministry of Statistics & PI, Government of India

Sourav Chakrabortty The Role of Official Statistics in the Measurement of the Impacts of Climate Change: Indian Experience
Statistics Netherlands

Rutger Hoekstra, Sjoerd Schenau, Cor Graveland and Peter van de Ven

The analytical usefulness of a system of environmental accounts
Statistics Norway, Research Department Britta Bye Macroeconomic modeling for energy and environmental analyses: Integrated economy-energy-environment models as efficient tools


Walter Radermacher Environmental pressures from German imports and exports - Results of Environmental-Economic Accounting on embodied energy, carbon dioxide and transport of goods
Philippines, National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)


Romulo A. Virola, Glenita V. Amoranto and Edward P. Lopez-Dee Gearing A National Statistical System Towards the Measurement of the Impact of Climate Change: The Case of the Philippines
Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University Susana Adamo Why Demographic Data are not Up to the Challenge of Measuring Climate Risks, and What to do about it


Australian Bureau of Statistics


Peter Harper Statistical office support for emission trading schemes: Developments in Australia
Energy Research Institute
National Development and Reform Commission, China
XU Huaqing China’s National Climate Change Programme
Statistics Denmark


Thomas Olsen Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounts for Tradable Carbon Dioxide Emission Permits
United Nations Department of Economic Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development Matthias Bruckner Monitoring climate change mitigation in the context of national sustainable development strategies
Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, United Kingdom Martin Nesbit

The use of climate change statistics to inform national policy on mitigation: UK climate change programme


UN Statistics Division (UNSD)

Dennis Trewin How might Official Statistics assist with the Fifth Assessment Round of the IPCC?


Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University Susana Adamo The role of Spatial Data Infrastructure in Integrating Climate Change
Information with a focus on Monitoring Observed Climate Impacts
Statistics Division,
Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)


Heinrich Bruengger What role for official statistics: provider of statistical services for a specific use, or more?
Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática (INEGI), México Gilberto Calvillo-Vives Spatial Data Infrastructure: A framework for Climate Change Statistics
Statistics Sweden Viveka Palm The climate challenge - implications for sectoral statistics

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA),
United Kingdom

Stephen Hall Getting indicators established, a UK experience
United Nations Department of Economic Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development Matthias Bruckner

Climate Change and Indicators of Sustainable Development

United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD)


Alessandra Alfieri The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting and its contribution to Climate Change