Welcome to the website of the Global Network of Institutions for Statistical Training
The range and depth of data demands emerging out of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is unprecedented, and meeting them requires strengthening countries' statistical capacities. Training is key in strengthening statistical capacities.
Global Network of Institutions for Statistical Training (GIST) is a network of international and regional training institutions, working together build sustainable statistical capacities through efficient, effective, and harmonized delivery of training.
The Goal of the GIST is to build sustainable capacities in countries through efficient, effective, and harmonized delivery of training at global and regional levels that will enable production and use of quality data and statistics including monitoring and implementation of SDGs.
The overall objective of the GIST is to facilitate collaboration among members of the network in the delivery of trainings on statistics in a more harmonized and standardized manner as well as to improve effectiveness of these trainings through maximizing their outreach.
Learn about the Statistical Training needs Assessment Tool
Strategic Action Areas
GIST's work focuses on various aspects of statistical training—from need assessment, to sharing courses and calendars, to harmonization of curricula–leveraging the unique strengths of its members.
GIST's membership spans international and regional institutions as well as countries who engage in providing statistical training at the bilateral, regional and international levels. The institutions collectively deliver training in almost all areas of statistical topics and cover all regions.
Governance and Management
The group of founding members (FG) are responsible for managing the operations of the GIST on a regular basis. United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) and an Advisory Group will also inform management and governance.
United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) will serve as the Secretariat for the GIST.