Strategic Action Areas
GIST will focus on the following work areas:
- Conduct a preliminary assessment to redefine country needs in wake of the new demands arising out of the 2030 Agenda and SDGs;
- Assess training gaps vis-à-vis the training needs of countries to systematically address them;
- Systematically share training courses and calendars, training materials through a web-based platform;
- Harmonize statistical training courses/curricula in line with international guidelines and standards on concepts and methods;
- Build capacities of existing statistical training centres to deliver training on official statistics based on harmonized and standardized training curricula;
- Promote training that enables data producers to improve data literacy and usage within stakeholder communities;
- Develop and nurture pools of trainers in all regions on different statistical areas and maintain a roster of resource persons that can be used by countries as and when required;
- Foster a global discussion on certification; and
- Leverage capacity for increased use of distance learning.