Dashboards on Trade, Travel and Transport

The COVID-19 pandemic has a major impact on the economy, especially on trade, travel and transport. International agencies led by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) are collaborating to provide policy relevant high-frequency indicators for international trade, air travel and maritime transport. Because timeliness and frequency are essential to inform policy makers and society in a rapidly changing economic situation, the data shown in the dashboards below are more of an experimental nature. They are not official statistics, unless otherwise indicated. For all of the dashboards, the methodology for arriving at the estimates are available and can be further tested. The data should be used with caution. We encourage users of the data to give us feedback.

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UPU: Monthly Postal Trade

Visualizing the monthly volume of postal exports and imports broken down by region in tonnage and y-o-y growth rate.

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UN Comtrade: Monthly Trade Data

Provides an overview of recent trade data from UN Comtrade, including possible impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the structure, composition, and other characteristics of international trade.

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AIS: Weekly Port Calls

Monitoring weekly port calls from around 1200 ports based on AIS datasets available at the UN Global Platform.

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AIS: Trade Volume

World Seaborne Trade in Real Time: A Proof of Concept for Building AIS-based Nowcasts from Scratch.