Demonstrations of use of Mobile Phone Data and of Privacy Enhancing Technologies

11 June 2024
14:00 - 17:00

Bilbao, Spain - Sala 5A Location


The first session aims to engage the audience by showcasing the implementation of ITU Python Codes for information society statistics and the different areas of statistics covered by UN-CEBD Task Team on MPD, including tourism, transport, and mobility. These codes have the potential to unlock the use of MPD for policymaking and to demonstrate the readiness of the codes where the attendees could watch live demos, understand the functionalities, and interact with the developers. It encourages the attendees to explore the practical applications of the codes for different purposes in their countries.

The second session gives an introduction of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) and explores the use of Structured Transparency via PySyft, an open-source framework that incorporates PETs, for cross-organizational data access and analysis across the public and private sector. Attendees will discover secure and privacy-preserving methods for collaborative analysis of demographic data hosted by NSOs and external telecom mobility data, to help design targeted policies.


Part 1 - Use of Mobile Phone Data

Part 2 - Demonstrations of Privacy Enhancing Technologies