Knowledge commons for Global Sustainability Challenges

11 June 2024
09:00 - 12:15

Bilbao, Spain - Sala 5A Location


In today's digital age, ensuring that knowledge is accessible for common use and societal benefit is paramount. This involves making information freely available and shared among individuals, organizations, or society as a whole, with a focus on fostering cross-domain collaboration, innovation, and effective problem-solving. This session underscores the significance of data accessibility and interoperability in realizing the potential of knowledge commons for addressing global sustainability challenges. Presentations will highlight how interoperability standards, coupled with investments in modern data infrastructure, establish the foundation for collaborative data spaces, involving both public and private entities. Furthermore, the session will explore how governance mechanisms and ethical considerations play a crucial role in ensuring responsible data use and co-ownership within knowledge commons. Discussions will extend to examining how the global statistical community can leverage knowledge commons through initiatives like the UN Global Platform for Official Statistics, the UN Data Commons project, and the ARIES for SEEA initiative. The session will culminate in a panel discussion featuring experts sharing their insights on the future trajectory of disseminating integrated information within the context of knowledge commons.


Part 1 - Creating knowledge commons

Part 2 - Leveraging knowledge commons in the global statistical community

Part 3 - Future of knowledge commons