E18: Editorial issues

Exercise 1: Some editorial issues to solve



Issue 1: Questions concerning "Languages"

A) What is/are the official names of the capital of the autonomous region of Alto Adige/Südtirol in Italy?

B) What is/are the official name(s) of the capital of the Irish republic?

C) What is/are the official name(s) of the capitals of Tibet and Sinkiang/Uyghur?


Issue 2: Exercise concerning "Compound names"

Compare the accompanying maps of Spain from an English school atlas and from a Spanish school atlas and try to draw up the internal rules adhered to, when processing the place names, by the editor of the map for the English atlas.

Click here for enlargement.

Click here for enlargement.

Sources of above maps: Atlas Medio Universal y de España van Aguilar (1959) en uit de Atlas Four
van Collins-Longman (1975))


Issue 3: Exercise concerning "Obsolete names"

During the 1960s in the Soviet Union, destalinization took place, that is the conversion of place names that had been renamed after Joseph Stalin into their previous names (Dushanbe >Stalinabad >Dushanbe (capital of Tajikistan) or into a new name Tsaritsyn >Stalingrad > Wolgograd. Try to find 10 more cities in the former Soviet bloc whose name was changed during the Stalinist era (1923-1953).


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Copyright United Nations Statistics Division and International Cartographic Association, July 2012