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Updated on 20 January, 2011

UNSD Calendar of Events

UNSD, in collaboration with the CARICOM Secretariat, is organizing a Regional Workshop for countries in the region on census editing in the context of the 2010 World Programme for Population and Housing Censuses. The purpose of the workshop is to develop capacities of CARICOM national statistical offices (NSOs) with the techniques and procedures used in editing population and housing census data. The Workshop will cover elements of edit specifications and implementing the specifications in CSPro. The Workshop will also offer the possibility to the participants to present and discuss the experience of their countries on different aspects of census editing. The workshop will be very hands-on, using the common core census questionnaire shared by many CARICOM member countries and sample data from some countries. Participants will be trained well enough to implement standard census edits at the workshop and be able to customize them after they return home.

Contact: Yacob Zewoldi, Tel.: +1 212 963 0445, e-mail: zewoldi@un.org

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in cooperation with the General Statistical Office of Vietnam is organizing a Workshop on Statistics of International Trade in Services for the South-East Asian countries. The workshop is organized within the framework of the UN/DESA Development Account project for the strengthening of the statistical capacity of countries in South East Asia.

The workshop will take place from 30 November until 3 December 2010 in Hanoi, Vietnam.

The objective of the workshop is to train representatives from national statistical offices and central banks of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Timor-Leste and Vietnam on the methodology of trade in services statistics and on current country-practices in compilation of trade in specific services sectors. The training focuses on both the interpretation of conceptual issues and options for the implementation of the international recommendations, taking account of country specific circumstances and facilitating the establishment of a network of statisticians among these South East Asian countries. The workshop reviews particularly the travel item and tourism statistics

Contact: Karoly Kovacs, Tel. +1 212 963 4748, e-mail: kovacs@un.org

The United Nations Statistics Division and the National Bureau of Statistics of China are organizing the International Workshop on Social Statistics, scheduled for 22-26 November 2010 in Beijing, China. This workshop is being held as part of the social statistics programme of the United Nations Statistics Division with the purpose of enhancing the capacity of countries to collect, disseminate and use quality statistics on time use and on violence against women. This workshop is also intended to provide an opportunity to review and discuss new national initiatives and data collection tools for the improvement of these two areas of social statistics.

The following website provides additional information: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/meetings/wshops/China_22-24Nov2010/default.htm.

Contact: Srdjan Mrkic, Tel. +1 212 963 4940, e-mail: mrkic@un.org

UNSD, in collaboration with the Jordan Department of Statistics and the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics, is organizing a Workshop on census evaluation in the context of the 2010 World Programme for Population and Housing Censuses.

The purpose of the Workshop is to present an overview of the various methods of evaluating censuses with a focus on the post enumeration survey (PES) methodology. More specifically, the Workshop will cover elements of the PES with regard to: (1) planning and implementation; (2) frames and sample design; (3) methodologies for evaluating content and coverage errors; (4) matching procedures; (5) imputation of missing values; and (6) tabulation and dual system of estimation. The Workshop will also offer the possibility to the participants to present and discuss the experience of their countries on different aspects of census evaluation and the post enumeration survey.

For more information: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/meetings/wshops/Jordan_21Nov10/default.htm

Contact: Margaret Mbogoni, Tel. +1 212 963 7845, e-mail: mbogoni@un.org

The third International Seminar on Early Warning and Business Cycle Indicators will take place from 17 to 19 November 2010 in Moscow, Russian Federation. This is the final seminar organized by United Nations Statistics Division/DESA and Eurostat in cooperation with the hosts of the three seminars, Statistics Canada (Ottawa, May 2009), Statistics Netherlands (Scheveningen, December 2009) and the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation. These seminars are held in response to the call made in the fortieth Session of the United Nations Statistical Commission in 2009 for swift and coordinated statistical initiatives by countries and international organizations in response to the global economic and financial crisis.

The seminars focus on the methodologies for compiling and releasing of high quality rapid (or ‘flash’) estimates, their international comparability, the communication strategy for such estimates and their analytical indicators on the performance of the real sector of the economy and the financial markets for effective macroeconomic monitoring.

The third international seminar is expected to formulate recommendations for the monitoring of business cycles and the early identification of turning points, as well as strategies for future work on improving statistical tools for this purpose. The outcome will be formulated as recommendations that will be presented to the United Nations Statistical Commission at its next session in March 2011.

For more information:
Ottawa seminar: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/nationalaccount/workshops/2009/ottawa/ac188-2.asp

Scheveningen seminar:

Moscow seminar: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/nationalaccount/workshops/2010/moscow/ac223-2.asp

Contact: Ivo Havinga, Tel. +1 212 963 4859, e-mail: havinga@un.org

UNSD is organizing a National CensusInfo Training in collaboration with the National Statistical Office, Malawi. This training is intended to develop the national census technical teams’ capacities to adapt CensusInfo as a platform for disseminating census data. Participants will learn various processes involved in the adaptation of CensusInfo including preparation of CensusInfo template and database, standard report and profile templates, language translation and packaging the software. The sessions also includes hands-on training on using CensusInfo User Interface and Database Administration applications, designing and creating templates and databases to house country-specific census data, learning various data administration utilities including importing census data to facilitate uploading of data into the CensusInfo system, and generating relevant tables, graphs, maps, reports and profiles for reporting purposes.

Contact: Yacob Zewoldi, Tel. +1 212 963 0445, e-mail: zewoldi@un.org

This seminar is organised by UNSD/DESA, in collaboration with United Nation Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). The seminar is hosted by the National Statistics and Informatics Institute of Peru.

The purpose of the seminar is to assist the Working Group on National Accounts of the Statistical Conference of the Americas in implementing the Regional implementation programme of the 2008 SNA and supporting economic statistics with the objective of developing comparable economic statistics for countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean region as a whole to monitor the integration of their economies. This regional programme forms part of the global implementation programme for the 2008 SNA and supporting statistics.

For more information: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/sna1993/regional.asp?FromPage=1

Contact: Herman Smith, Tel. +1 212 963 4679, e-mail: smith33@un.org

The Workshop, which is organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in collaboration with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), will bring together representatives from national statistical offices and line ministries to review recommendations for reporting of MDG data and to establish strategies for dealing with data discrepancies and data gaps at the national and international level, particularly for health related MDG indicators. In addition, the workshop will provide participants with skills needed to improve the production and dissemination of MDG indicators.

Contact: Maria Martinho, Tel. +1 212 963 4947, e-mail: martinho@un.org

UNSD, in collaboration with Statistics Canada is organizing an Expert Group Meeting on the Revision of the Framework for the Development Environment Statistics on 8-10 November 2011 in New York.

The Expert Group will revise the United Nations Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics, published in 1984, on the basis of improved scientific knowledge about the environment and new cross-disciplinary requirements created by emerging environmental concerns and their management. The main objective of this EGM is to agree on the conceptual framework that best supports an integrative approach to environment statistics and helps countries to establish and improve their national environment statistics systems.

For more information: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/environment/fdes/fdes_egm.htm.

Contact: Branko Milicevic, Tel. +1 212 963 3901, e-mail:

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) is organizing an Expert Group Meeting on Energy Statistics from 2-5 November 2010 in New York. The main purpose of the meeting is to review and endorse the provisional draft of the International Recommendations for Energy Statistics (IRES) prior to its submission to the United Nations Statistical Commission for adoption at its 42nd Session (22-25 February 2011). The Expert Group will review the results of the worldwide consultation on the provisional draft of IRES that took place during the period from July to August 2010 and advise on their incorporation in the final draft. During this meeting a number of issues relevant to the preparation of the Energy Statistics Compilers Manual (ESCM) and to the development of the implementation programme of the revised recommendations will be discussed. The meeting will gather experts from countries and international/regional organizations active in energy statistics.

For more information: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/energy/Workshops/EGM-IRES.htm

Contact: Ilaria DiMatteo, Tel. +1 212 963 8491, e-mail: dimatteo@un.org

This workshop on the updated and new recommendations for international merchandise trade statistics (IMTS) and their implementation in countries of the Sub-Saharan Africa region is organized by UNSD in cooperation with the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). Participants will learn about the new and updated recommendations and share their experiences in the compilation of IMTS and the implementation of the international recommendations (old and new) on IMTS, also with view on identifying issues and best practices for inclusion in the updated IMTS Compilers Manual.

For more information: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/trade/WS%20Lusaka10/ws_imts_lusaka10.htm

Contact: Matthias Reister, Tel: +1 917 367-7098; E-mail: reister@un.org

October 2010

On the occasion of the first-ever World Statistics Day - 20 October 2010 – the Statistics Division will launch The World’s Women 2010: Trends and Statistics simultaneously in New York, Shanghai and Bangkok. This publication, in the words of the Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon “is intended to contribute to the stocktaking being done to mark the fifteenth anniversary of the Beijing Conference. It addresses critical aspects of life: population, families, health, education, work, power and decision-making, violence against women, environment and poverty. It finds that progress in ensuring the equal status of women and men has been made in many areas, including school enrolment, health and economic participation. At the same time, it makes clear that much more needs to be done, in particular to close the gender gap in public life and to prevent many forms of violence to which women are subjected.”

Contact: Keiko Osaki-Tomita, Tel. +1 212 963 8338, e-mail: osaki@un.org

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) is organizing a meeting to launch the UNSD/DFID project on "Improving the Collation, Availability and Dissemination of Development indicators, including MDGs" at the UN Gigiri Complex in Nairobi, Kenya, from 18 to 20 October 2010.

The meeting will bring together national experts on developments indicators as well as national data managers from the seven African countries covered by the project (Burundi, Kenya, Liberia, Morocco, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania) to review and discuss the following points: (a) Aims and objectives of the project and lessons learnt from the pilot phase and the Asian region; (b) How to improve reporting of development indicators at the country and international level (issues of coordination, availability and frequency of data, agreement on metadata and data discrepancies); (c) Improving dissemination of development indicators (data dissemination policies, current country data dissemination practices, systems and platform for development indicators); (d) Next steps of the project.

Contact: Francesca Grum, Tel. +1 212 963 4950, e-mail: grum@un.org

The Global Forum on Gender Statistics is being organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in collaboration with the National Statistical Coordination Board of the Philippines. This Forum, from 11-13 October, will be the third in a series of international meetings on gender statistics with the purpose of promoting the advancement of gender statistics among decision makers and all other user groups. The focus of the 2010 Forum will be on the gender dimensions of health statistics, including measurement of maternal mortality, causes of death and disability, and related methodological advances. National practices in the incorporation of a gender perspective in national statistical systems and in the measurement of women and men’s health will be reviewed.

The 4th meeting of the Inter-agency and expert group on gender statistics is being held following the Global Forum in Manila, Philippines on 14 October 2010. The objectives of the meeting are to further define priorities for the overall Global Gender Statistics programme, update the group on the work of the three advisory groups (gender statistics and indicators database, gender statistics training activities and curricula, and statistical legislation for gender statistics) and share agency and expert experiences in gender statistics.

For more information: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/meetings/wshops/Philippines_Globalforum_Oct2010/default.htm

Contact: Linda Hooper, Tel. +1 212 963 7771, e-mail: hooper@un.org

The Third Data Managers Meeting will be held in New York, from 6 to 8 October 2010, hosted by the UN Statistics Division. The Meeting will provide an opportunity for data managers from international agencies to update each other on recent developments in data dissemination and identify ways of expanding and improving the UNdata portal further (data.un.org) . The meeting will cover several specific topics, including: data quality processes, SDMX, social networking for the statistical community, and the use of API.

Contact: Francesca Grum, Tel. +1 212 963 4950, e-mail: grum@un.org

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in cooperation with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), is organizing the Regional Seminar on Census Data Dissemination and Spatial Analysis in the context of the 2010 World Programme for Population and Housing Censuses.

The purpose of the Seminar is to provide a forum for sharing national practices and experiences in the dissemination and use of census data. The Seminar will review emerging trends, innovative approaches and technological tools employed in the dissemination of census data. The Seminar is expected to provide a basis for assessing existing national dissemination strategies as well as technologies used by national statistical offices. It will also aid in taking stock of national capacities and challenges for meeting the increasing requirements of census data users. Furthermore, the Seminar is expected to help in identifying good practices and lessons learned in the dissemination and analysis of census data. The ideas generated by the discussion and the recommendations made by participants will contribute towards the drafting of an international guideline for effective dissemination and utilization of census data.

More information about the CensusInfo software is available at:

Contact: Margaret Mbogoni, Tel. +1 212 963 7845, e-mail: Mbogoni@un.org

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), is organizing a national advanced training on CensusInfo in Egypt from 20 to 23 September 2010.

The purpose of the workshop is to enhance the capacity of CAPMAS staff to use CensusInfo software as a tool for disseminating population and housing census results. The workshop has been designed using an outcome-based training methodology consisting of a series of demonstrations followed by practical exercises based on the 2008 census results of Egypt. Participants will learn how to customise CensusInfo software according to national requirements in order to finalise the national application of CensusInfo which was drafted during the basic training held in Cairo from 2-6 May 2010.

More information about the CensusInfo software is available at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/sources/census/2010_PHC/CensusInfo/index.htm

Contact: Yacob Zewoldi, Tel. +1 212 963 0445, e-mail: zewoldi@un.org

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in cooperation with Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, is organizing the Regional Seminar on Census Data Dissemination and Spatial Analysis in the context of the 2010 World Programme for Population and Housing Censuses.

The purpose of the Seminar is to provide a forum for sharing national practices and experiences in the dissemination and use of census data. The Seminar will review emerging trends, innovative approaches and technological tools employed in the dissemination of census data. The Seminar is expected to provide a basis for assessing existing national dissemination strategies as well as technologies used by National Statistical Offices. It will also aid in taking stock of national capacities and challenges for meeting the increasing requirements of census data users. Furthermore, the Seminar is expected to help in identifying good practices and lessons learned in the dissemination and analysis of census data. The ideas generated by the discussion and the recommendations made by participants will contribute towards the drafting of an international guideline for effective dissemination and utilization of census data.

More information about the meeting is available at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/meetings/wshops/default.htm

Contact: Yacob Zewoldi, Tel. +1 212 963 0445, e-mail: zewoldi@un.org

The Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA) is the main interagency mechanism in the professional field of official statistics, bringing together chief statistical managers from over 35 United Nations system and other international organizations, active in the collection and dissemination of official statistics. The Committee was established in 2002, taking over its key objectives from the former Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC) Subcommittee on Statistical Activities, namely to promote coordination, integration and complementarity among the statistical programmes of the international organizations.

The Committee meets twice a year and its Sixteenth Session will be held in Vienna, Austria, from 1 to 3 September 2010, jointly hosted by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The key topics in the agenda of the Sixteenth CCSA session include a special session on human capital and discussions on Global Statistical System and the role of CCSA, development and maintenance of an Inventory on Global Statistical Standards, coordination of capacity building activities, use of non-official data in estimations made by the international organizations, establishment of a Network of statisticians working in international organizations, etc. Information will also be provided about the outcomes from the recent Conference on Data Quality for International Organizations, status of the SDMX partnership and programme of work and celebration of the World Statistics Day. A report of the Committee’s ongoing activities will be presented to the forty-second session of the United Nations Statistical Commission.

For more information please refer to the CCSA website:


Contact: Youlia Antonova, Tel. +1 212 963 3376, e-mail: antonova@un.org

August 2010

This five-day intensive course, organized by the UN Statistics Division in close collaboration with Statistics South Africa in the context of the UN/DESA Development Account project for SADC member states, aims at strengthening IT skills in the National statistical offices as well as providing all SADC member states with a common understanding of IT related data editing issues which creates the possibility that the NSOs find common software solutions in the future.

Contact: Alain Gaugris, Tel. +1 212 963 6222, email: gaugris@un.org

The Malawi National Seminar on Census Data Analysis is scheduled to be held from 19 to 22 July in Malawi. The main objective of the national seminar is to provide an opportunity for the staff member of the Malawi National Statistical Office in collaboration with the University of Malawi Population Studies Centre, to further collaborate on the analysis of data from the 2008 census of Malawi on selected topics. The national seminar will cover the following topics: (i) fertility and nuptiality from a gender perspective; (ii) fertility indices based on data from the 2008 census; (iii) measures of nuptiality based on data from the 2008 census: and (iv) and use of the CensusInfo software for data presentation and dissemination. After the seminar, participants are expected to produce thematic analytical reports, based on analyses generated during the seminar.

Contact: Margaret Mbogoni, tel: 212-963-7845, e-mail:

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Statistical Office of the Republic of Korea (Statistics Korea) in cooperation with the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development are organizing an International Seminar on Information and Communication Technology Statistics.

The Seminar takes place at the half-way point between the Tunis phase of the WSIS and 2015, when the United Nations General Assembly will review progress towards achieving the WSIS targets, in line with the MDGs. As such, this Seminar presents a timely opportunity for statistical agencies and other relevant stakeholders to discuss new developments, trends and challenges related to ICT statistics.

The Seminar will in particular facilitate the exchange of experiences and discuss progress on:

  • ICT statistics and policy making
  • Measuring the Information Society, including:
    • New developments in mobile and broadband communication technology
    • Measuring household ICT access and individual use
    • Measurement issues related to households ICT surveys
  • Measuring the Information Economy, including:
    • Measuring the evolving ICT sector
    • Measuring ICT use by businesses
    • Measurement issues related to surveys on ICT use in enterprises
Information about the meeting is available on the UNSD website at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/ict

Contact: Ralf Becker, Tel. +1 212 963 4600, e-mail: beckerr@un.org

The Workshop "Developing National Systems of Tourism Statistics: Challenges and Good Practices" is organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in collaboration with the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS (CISSTAT) and National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova. The Workshop is hosted by the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova in Chisinau, Moldova between 29 June and 2 July 2010.

The objective of the workshop is to assist countries in strengthening their statistical capacity in the area of tourism statistics by training them in the International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics 2008 adopted by the United Nations Statistical Commission at its 39th session in February 2008 as well as by providing advice on practical issues of the implementation. The training will focus on both the conceptual issues and good practices in organizing and improving the national programmes of tourism statistics under various country specific circumstances. The workshop aims also to promote and facilitate the inter-agency cooperation to ensure that tourism statistics is compiled in an integrated and efficient way and the disseminated data serve the needs of national tourism agencies, national statistical offices and central banks in the best possible way.

Contact: Karoly Kovacs, Tel. +1 212 963 4748, e-mail: kovacs@un.org

The United Nations Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA) is an intergovernmental body providing strategic vision and direction to environmental-economic accounting and related statistics. The Fifth UNCEEA meeting will discuss progress made in resolving the issues in the issue list for Volume 1 of the revised System of Environmental and Economic Accounts (SEEA). It will also discuss the proposal for a list of issues for Volume 2 in particular related to the classification of ecosystem services and their valuation. Papers related to climate change, sustainability and integrated resources management will also be presented that are the themes of Volume 3 on the applications of the SEEA. Progress in drafting the SEEA-Energy, the International Recommendations for Energy Statistics and their synergies will be discussed.

Further information is available at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/ceea/meetings.asp

Contact: Magdolna Csizmadia, e-mail: seea@un.org International workshop on Industrial Statistics
Dalian, China, 21-23 June 2010

The United Nations Statistics Division, in collaboration with the National Bureau of Statistics of China, will organize an "International workshop on Industrial Statistics" from 21 to 23 June 2010 in Dalian, China. The workshop aims to enhance the capacity of National Statistical Offices of Asian countries in the area of industrial statistics. This workshop is part of a series of events organized under the project on strengthening statistical capacity development in China and other developing countries in Asia funded by the Chinese Government. It will address specific issues in industrial statistics, namely: (1) the compilation of the index of industrial production, following the revision of the International Recommendations for the Index of Industrial Production; (2) the production of statistics on capacity utilization for manufacturing units and (3) the conduct of business condition surveys for manufacturing units.

Contact: Ralf Becker, Tel. +1 212 963 4600, e-mail: beckerr@un.org

This seminar is organised by UNSD/DESA, in collaboration with the CARICOM Secretariat. The purpose of the seminar is to initiate the formulation of an implementation programme for the 2008 SNA and supporting economic statistics with the objective of developing comparable economic statistics for member states in the Caribbean region as a whole to monitor the integration of their economies. It is expected that this initiative would lead to a multi-year programme to move the countries over to the 2008 SNA and to establish a minimum common data set of annual and high frequency statistics.

For more information: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/sna1993/regional.asp?FromPage=1

Contact: Herman Smith, Tel. +1 212 963 4679, e-mail: smith33@un.org

May 2010

This seminar is organised by UNSD/DESA, in collaboration with UNESCWA and the GCC Secretariat, to develop a programme for the implementation of the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA) for countries in the ESCWA region. The seminar is hosted by the Sultanate of Oman.
The purpose of the seminar is to initiate the formulation of an implementation programme for the 2008 SNA and supporting economic statistics with the objective of developing comparable economic statistics for member states in the ESCWA region as a whole to monitor the integration of their economies. It is expected that this initiative would lead to a multi-year programme to move the countries over to the 2008 SNA and to establish a minimum common data set of annual and high frequency statistics.

For more information: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/sna1993/regional.asp?FromPage=1

Contact: Herman Smith, Tel. +1 212 963 4679, e-mail: smith33@un.org

Egypt National Seminar on Census Data Analysis is scheduled to be held from 17 to 19 May in Cairo, Egypt. The main objective of the seminar is to provide an opportunity for the staff member of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) in collaboration with the Cairo Demographic Center and Cairo University, to further collaborate on the analysis of data from the 2006 census Egypt on selected topics. The seminar will cover an overview of calculation of the wealth index; gender analysis; and use of the CensusInfo software for data presentation and dissemination. After the seminar, participants are expected to produce thematic analytical reports, based on analyses generated during the seminar.

Contact: Keiko Osaki Tomita, Tel. +1 212 963 8338, e-mail: osaki@un.org

UNSD, in collaboration with the UNESCAP, is organizing a Regional Workshop for countries in the region on census evaluation in the context of the 2010 World Programme for Population and Housing Censuses.

The purpose of the Workshop is to present an overview of the various methods of evaluating censuses with a focus on the post enumeration survey (PES) methodology. More specifically, the Workshop will cover elements of the PES with regard to: (1) planning and implementation; (2) frames and sample design; (3) methodologies for evaluating content and coverage errors; (4) matching procedures; (5) imputation of missing values; and (6) tabulation and dual system of estimation. The Workshop will also offer the possibility to the participants to present and discuss the experience of their countries on different aspects of census evaluation and the post enumeration survey.

Contact: Margaret Mbogoni, Tel. +1 212 963 7845, e-mail: mbogoni@un.org

UNSD, in collaboration with the UN Cartographic Section, is organizing the Second Preparatory Meeting of the Proposed United Nations Committee on Global Geographic Information Management.

The purpose of the Meeting is to discuss and initiate the preparation of a report, for the approval of ECOSOC, on global coordination of geographic information management, including the consideration of a possible creation of a United Nations global forum for the exchange of information among countries and other interested parties, and particularly for sharing best practices in legal and policy instruments, institutional management models, technical solutions and standards, interoperability of systems and data, and sharing mechanisms that guarantee that geographic information and services are easily and timely accessible. The Meeting, bringing together official representatives from member countries as well as representatives from relevant professional organizations, will also offer the possibility to the participants to discuss the terms of reference and the modalities of work for the global forum and the Committee of Experts.

For more information, please refer to the website: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/geoinfo/meetings/10-11_may2010/

Contact: Amor Laaribi, Tel. +1 212 963 3042, e-mail: Laaribi@un.org

The Conference on Data Quality for International Organizations will be held immediately after the Q2010 European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics (Helsinki, 4-6 May 2010) under the auspices of the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA). Eurostat and UNSD are organizing this fourth CCSA conference dedicated entirely to quality issues, which will be hosted by Statistics Finland.

The purpose of the conference is to provide statistical experts from international or supra-national organizations with a forum to discuss specific data quality issues related to their work and exchange experiences regarding the various quality mechanisms developed for improving the collection and dissemination of data. The main focus of this year’s conference will be on how international support for the development of national quality assurance frameworks can be provided, therefore, the discussions will also reflect upon the programme review on National Quality Assurance Frameworks carried out by Statistics Canada for the forty-first session of the Statistical Commission (see document E/CN.3/2010/2 from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/statcom/sc2010.htm; see also http://unstats.un.org/unsd/dnss/nqaf.aspx ).

For more information, please refer to the website: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/accsub/cdqio-2010.htm

Contact: Mary Jane Holupka, +1-212-963-4578; e-mail: holupka@un.org

The Joint Task Force on Environmental Indicators has been established to foster collaboration of national statistical offices and environmental ministries/agencies in the improvement of environment statistics. The meeting, organized jointly by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and UNSD, will review the Guidelines on the Application of Environmental Indicators in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. It will discuss the indicators revised on the basis of the conclusions of the first meeting and will consider further indicators for revision based on countries’ experience with their application. It will also look into the possibility to include new indicators to fill in gaps in the coverage of some of the priority subject areas.

For more information, please visit: http://unece.org/stats/documents/2010.05.environ.htm

Contact: Eszter Horvath, +1-212-963-4581; e-mail: horvath@un.org

April 2010

March 2010

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in collaboration with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), is organizing a meeting to launch the UNSD/DFID project on "Improving the Collation, Availability and Dissemination of Development indicators, including MDGs"; at the ESCAP Headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand, from 29 to 31 March 2010.

The meeting will bring together national experts on developments indicators as well as national data managers from the four Asian countries covered by the project (Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam) to review and discuss the following points: (a) Aims and objectives of the project and lessons learnt from the pilot phase; (b) How to improve reporting of development indicators at the country and international level (issues of coordination, availability and frequency of data, agreement on metadata and data discrepancies); (c) Improving dissemination of development indicators (data dissemination policies, current country data dissemination practices, systems and platform for development indicators); (d) Next steps of the project.

Contact: Francesca Grum, Tel: +1 212 963 4950; E-mail: grum@un.org

In response to the decision of the 41st session of the United Nations Statistical Commission on the issue of the revision of the Human Development Index (HDI), the UN Statistics Division is organizing a consultative meeting on 24-25 March 2010 in New York.  In its Decision 12, the Commission has requested the Bureau of the Commission, together with experts from the regions, to undertake urgent consultations with the Human Development Report Office on the methodologies and data used in the proposed revision of the HDI and to take appropriate decisions based on the consultations.

This meeting brings together statistical experts from twelve countries, representing the various regions, and aims at reviewing the proposed revisions to the methods of constructing the HDI and at agreeing on a set of general recommendations regarding the methodological soundness and the appropriateness of the data used. This consultative group will report back to the 42nd session of the UN Statistical Commission.

Contact: Stefan Schweinfest, Tel: +1 212 963 4940; E-mail: schweinfest@un.org

International Workshop on Regional Products and Income Accounts
Beijing, China, 15-17 March 2010

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the National Bureau of Statistics of China, will organize an International Workshop on Regional Products and Income Accounts from 15 to 17 March 2010 in Beijing, China. The workshop aims to review the current practices of various countries in regional accounts and propose best practice approaches in compilation of Gross Regional Product and Income. This workshop is part of a series of events organized under the project on strengthening statistical capacity development in China and other developing countries in Asia funded by the Chinese Government. It will give an overview of the conceptual framework and different approaches for allocation of national economic activities to regions and address some measurement issues on the inconsistency between the national aggregates and the sum of regional data. The workshop will also offer the opportunity to exchange experiences and discuss the optimal approach in the calculation of Gross Regional Product and Income.

For more information, please refer to the website:

Contact: Youlia Antonova, Tel: +1 917 367 3376; E-mail: antonova@un.org

February 2010

41st Session of the UN Statistical Commission
New York, New York, 23-26 February 2010

The 41st session of the Statistical Commission is scheduled to be held at United Nations Headquarters, New York from 23 to 26 February 2010. It will take place in Conference Room 3 in the United Nations Secretariat Building.

For more information, please refer to the website:

Contact: Li Wang, Tel: +1 212 963 9547, E-mail: wangl@un.org

Workshop on the Methodology and Data Compilation of International Merchandise Trade Statistics
Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2-5 February 2010

This UN/DESA workshop on the Methodology and Data Compilation of International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) aims to strengthen the statistical capacity of the five South East Asian countries Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Timor Leste and Vietnam in the area of IMTS, in particular with respect to data collection and compilation, and the application of the concepts and definitions for IMTS (covering both existing and new or revised recommendations). The workshop is organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in cooperation with the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN/ESCAP) and the National Statistical Institute of Cambodia which will host this workshop. Countries are expected to develop country specific action plans which will serve as guidance for national data compilers to improve IMTS compilation and dissemination.

For more information please visit: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/trade/workshops_imts.htm

Contact: Matthias Reister, Tel: +1 917 367-7098; E-mail: reister@un.org

5th Meeting of the Oslo Group on Energy Statistics
Cork, Ireland, 1-4 February 2010

The 5th meeting of the Oslo Group on Energy Statistics will review and discuss the provisional draft of the International Recommendations for Energy Statistics (IRES). The preparation of IRES has been undertaken following the recommendations of the UN Statistical Commission to update the UN manual on energy statistics and to further develop international standards in energy statistics. The agenda include, among others, the following topics: classification of energy products, measurement units and conversion factors, statistical units and data items, data sources and collection strategies, energy balances data quality and data dissemination.

For more information please visit: http://og.ssb.no/ogmeetings/fifthmeeting

Contact: Ilaria DiMatteo, Tel: +1 917 367-8491; E-mail: dimatteo@un.org
             Jun Toutain, Statistics Norway; E-mail: jwt@ssb.no

The United Nations Statistics Division in collaboration with AFRISTAT and the National Statistical Office of France (INSEE) is organizing a workshop for statisticians of French-speaking African countries. The workshop will present the conceptual as well as main structural changes for the revised International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) and the Central Product Classification (CPC). It will also review current implementation of activity and product classifications in the region and will try to coordinate the work on a regional classification for AFRISTAT member countries.

For more information: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/class/intercop/training/default.asp

Contact: Ralf Becker, Tel: +1 212 963-4600; E-mail: beckerr@un.org