9th Meeting of the Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts
8-10 September 2014, Washington DC, United States
List of Documents
DOCUMENTATION FOR THE MEETING FILE SIZE 1A Agenda 10 KB 1B Annotated Agenda 46 KB 2 Information Note 53 KB 5 Conclusions 38 KB PAPERS AND PRESENTATIONS FOR THE MEETING PAPER PRESENTATION 1: Implementation of the 2008 SNA 1.1 Implementation of the 2008 SNA PPT 1.1.1 Implementation of the 2008 SNA - Report of the forty-fifth session of the Statistical Commission reflection its decision on National Accounts. 1.1.2 Report of the Intersecretariat Working Group on National Accounts 2: Accounting for pensions 2.1 Methodology for delineation and measurement PPT1 PPT2 2.2 Table on household retirement resources 2.3 The treatment of holding gains/losses in the estimates of investment income attributable to insurance policyholders and pension beneficiaries PPT 2.4 Imputation of property income in the case of liabilities between the sponsor and the pension fund PPT 3: Global production 3.1.1 Global Production - Economic ownership of Intellectual Property Products (IPPs) by SPEs PPT 3.1.2 Treatment of royalty and licencing SPEs in Dutch National Accounts PPT 3.2 Global production - Factoryless goods producers PPT 4: Manuals, handbooks and other guidance 4.1 Compilation of manuals and handbooks PPT 5: The outcome of AEG consultation 5.1.1 Distinction between volumes and prices when measuring the value of land changes PPT 5.1.2 Land: distinguishing volume changes from holding gains 5.2 Institutional sub-sectors and the delineation of head offices, holding companies and special purpose entities PPT 6: Recording flows and stocks of international organizations 6.1 Treatment of output international financial institutions PPT 6.2 Equity claims on international organizations 6.2.1 Valuation of 'Other Equity' in the IMF LINK LINK 7: The valuation of natural resources 7.1 Methodology for the valuation of natural resources PPT 8: Practical issues in national accounts 8.1 Backcasting 8.1.1 Netherlands PPT 8.1.2 Australia PPT 8.1.3 Brazil PPT 8.1.4 Canada PPT 8.1.5 United States of America PPT 8.2 Big data 8.2.1 Australia PPT 8.2.2 Canada PPT 8.2.3 United States of America PPT 9: The 2008 SNA research agenda 9.1 Issues going beyond the 2008 SNA recommendations PPT 9.2.1 Statistical units in Supply and Use Tables and Institutional Sector Accounts PPT 9.2.2 Statistical units in the SNA PPT 10: Government finance statistics 10.1 Towards enhancing international comparability of general government debt data PPT 11: SDMX-initiative 11.1 SDMX Ownership Group for NA, BOP and FDI PPT 12: Distribution of income, consumption and wealth 12.1 Distribution of income, consumption, and saving PPT Room Documents PAPER PRESENTATION RD.1 Living with the 2008 SNA