Table 12. Per capita nominal value of final expenditure on GDP at national prices in US dollars, 1985 (conversion by using exchange rate) .

Part I

Part II
Japan, New Zealand, United States, Hungary, Poland, Yugoslavia, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, India, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Benin, Botswana, Cameron, Congo
Part III
Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Tunisia, U.R.Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe


  Category Belgium Denmark France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Portugal Spain United Kgdm Austria Finland Norway Sweden Turkey Australia Canada
1 Final national consumption 5988 8149 6670 7129 2462 3499 5237 6296 5647 1572 2971 5695 5868 7550 8438 8708 798 6834 8711
2   Food, beverages, tobacco 1119 1499 1264 1116 871 1333 1179 1194 980 603 809 938 1178 1586 1685 1515 349 1353 1385
3     Food 927 1040 1051 833 743 770 1019 920 757 536 724 674 911 1199 1264 1145 319 863 969
4       Bread and cereals 107 124 136 115 60 125 126 128 111 122 86 95 121 201 135 171 64 103 132
5       Meat 353 306 353 267 200 234 325 308 182 171 206 183 251 281 346 247 59 242 287
6       Fish 49 39 57 19 44 26 54 25 22 45 82 24 18 33 92 68 5 21 37
7       Milk, cheese and eggs 110 155 154 107 114 104 152 117 130 26 119 99 157 223 211 192 49 114 154
8       Oils and fats 54 45 49 41 54 35 46 67 34 58 41 24 60 81 29 59 21 29 37
9       Fruits, vegetables, potatoes 135 148 157 126 202 146 243 170 152 97 143 123 167 183 222 189 85 134 215
10       Other food 118 223 145 157 68 99 72 105 128 17 48 125 137 196 229 218 36 219 107
11     Beverages 100 260 145 175 55 411 76 120 129 67 45 124 142 266 278 245 6 378 245
12       Non-alcoholic beverages 22 36 30 34 16 47 14 29 31 6 12 28 27 33 65 29 2 83 35
13       Alcoholic beverages 78 224 115 141 39 364 61 91 98 61 33 97 115 234 213 216 4 295 210
14     Tobacco 92 199 68 108 72 153 85 153 94 0 40 140 125 120 143 125 24 112 172
15   Clothing and footwear 386 373 381 513 201 184 439 381 343 150 210 349 551 313 500 462 117 336 488
16     Clothing 314 315 304 423 181 146 337 301 278 111 163 284 466 252 416 387 80 279 417
17     Footwear 72 58 78 90 20 38 102 80 66 39 47 65 85 62 84 75 36 56 71
18   Gross rents, fuel and power 1014 1566 1111 1276 292 390 717 1209 1003 136 461 993 981 1097 1178 1649 99 1427 1790
19     Gross rents 621 1180 795 907 213 207 509 699 674 84 378 743 694 814 728 1274 47 1281 1479
20     Fuel and power 393 386 316 369 79 182 208 510 329 52 83 250 287 283 450 376 53 146 312
21   Household equipment and operation 523 439 505 538 187 178 397 541 370 127 203 330 352 408 523 400 100 458 681
22     Furniture 145 163 185 215 25 44 111 255 153 41 52 102 162 124 201 170 33 112 146
23     Household textiles 49 50 42 58 29 20 37 36 29 21 30 30 27 38 64 62 16 46 68
24     Appliances 80 76 64 77 32 26 51 101 44 21 29 77 74 63 53 42 17 97 105
25     Other household goods and services 249 151 213 187 100 88 198 148 144 45 92 121 89 184 205 126 34 204 362
26   Medical care 600 690 856 957 158 356 514 463 638 93 219 449 585 668 882 951 28 680 421
27   Transport and communication 660 1071 844 912 308 391 585 1023 547 201 401 804 880 1040 1169 977 38 904 1230
28     Transport equipment 207 389 189 257 49 91 169 362 187 40 80 240 202 319 518 206 2 241 434
29     Operation of equipment 344 416 465 441 80 194 287 555 222 126 228 310 463 424 346 496 14 409 519
30     Purchased transport services 60 176 114 108 138 74 80 26 71 23 66 162 130 225 184 178 18 157 147
31     Communication 49 90 75 107 41 31 49 80 67 11 26 92 85 72 121 98 3 97 129
32   Recreation, education 891 1358 859 1021 204 486 740 848 922 126 304 811 737 1171 1315 1662 34 1072 1605
33     Equipment for recreation 172 286 173 282 27 94 178 111 229 24 73 196 124 231 267 307 13 190 339
34     Recreational, cultural, etc., services 103 241 142 172 39 115 119 70 123 12 48 193 109 217 210 552 4 275 184
35     Books, newspapers, magazines 56 89 98 113 19 49 64 38 106 14 23 69 47 124 128 106 7 102 65
36     Education 560 742 447 454 120 228 379 629 463 76 160 352 457 599 710 697 11 505 1017
37   Miscellaneous goods and services 804 1193 905 724 343 217 778 878 747 141 546 1061 881 1205 934 997 33 570 1077
38     Restaurants, cafes, etc. 398 311 424 290 262 44 439 323 251 88 410 587 599 609 307 196 3 148 486
39     Other goods and services 406 882 482 435 81 173 339 555 496 53 135 473 282 596 627 801 30 423 591
40   Net purchases abroad -8 -40 -56 71 -101 -36 -111 -240 97 -6 -183 -41 -277 62 253 95 0 34 32
41 Collective consumption of government 677 956 893 777 505 445 547 745 902 179 382 844 778 778 1013 799 81 1098 1804
42 Gross fixed capital formation 1284 2148 1764 2018 660 1085 1572 1984 1623 474 817 1376 1965 2642 3050 2309 189 2400 2663
43   Construction 689 1148 891 1154 389 493 829 1095 842 248 502 620 1098 1639 1791 1420 96 1325 1765
44     Residential buildings 227 498 364 531 136 229 454 333 422 122 220 277 463 702 579 665 34 556 732
45     Non-residential buildings 271 362 328 362 88 172 178 446 251 34 75 264 382 623 547 460 25 473 395
46     Other construction 192 288 199 261 164 92 197 316 169 93 208 79 254 313 666 295 38 297 639
47   Machinery and equipment 533 1003 771 856 271 550 697 800 786 171 275 685 860 1003 1259 868 93 951 895
48     Transport equipment 122 214 209 168 61 117 148 212 234 48 80 151 140 158 575 186 25 374 275
49     Non electrical machinery 293 660 438 471 166 392 431 419 420 105 152 350 540 677 557 553 55 439 500
50     Electrical machinery 118 129 124 217 43 41 117 169 131 17 43 184 181 168 126 129 13 138 120
51 Increase in stocks -34 121 -11 43 55 53 103 267 107 -9 9 12 197 29 451 -19 14 59 77
52 Balance of imports and exports 178 31 16 368 -411 118 -28 539 427 -55 97 93 16 126 1113 290 -25 -270 379
53 Gross domestics product 8092 11404 9333 10334 3271 5201 7431 9831 8706 2160 4275 8020 8824 11125 14066 12087 1057 10121 13634
United Nations Statistics Division - International Comparison Programme