ESA/STAT/AC.325/L1 |
Agenda |
ESA/STAT/AC.325/L2 |
List of Participants |
ESA/STAT/AC.325/L3 |
Final Report |
IAEG-GS mandate and the Global Gender Statistics Programme (UNSD) |
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1. Methods: Update on ongoing methodological work to measure/monitor
selected SDG indicators, and other gender issues not covered at the Global Forum
Report on ongoing work on indicators 5.6.1 and 5.6.2 (UNFPA) |
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Gendered power and decision-making in the household (UNECE) |
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Measuring and monitoring the nexus between gender and the environment (UNEP) |
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2. Review of country practices: measuring and monitoring SDGs gender
Philippines |
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United States |
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Finland |
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3. Coordination: Mapping of ongoing/planned initiatives on Gender
Statistics: who is doing what
Mapping of ongoing/planned initiatives on Gender
Statistics |
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4. Priorities for IAEG-GS and conclusions of the meeting
The Minimum Set of Gender Indicators & SDG gender-relevant indicators (UNSD) |
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