Inter-agency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics

Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics

Recognition of the centrality of gender equality to social and economic development has led to an increase in the demand for gender statistics and indicators for monitoring and planning. Although considerable effort and resources have been invested towards the development of gender statistics worldwide, significant gaps remain. In particular, there are still many critical areas of concern for gender equality for which little or no gender statistics exist. Moreover, while many activities are being conducted towards improving gender statistics, their regular production and use have yet to be institutionalized at the national, regional and global levels.

In order to address the need for advancing the development of gender statistics, the United Nations Statistics Division, in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the World Bank, convened an Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics (IAEG-GS). The group met for the first time in New York, from 12-14 December 2006 to take stock and assess potential strategies to improve gender statistics at the national and global levels.

The IAEG-GS brings together representatives of international agencies within and outside United Nations system, statisticians from National Statistical Systems, and development partners, to review progress and provide guidance on future activities geared at advancing gender statistics. The UN Statistics Division is the secretariat of the group, while the chairmanship is held by a country member of the IAEG, on a rotational basis. The IAEG-GS has the main purpose of advancing gender statistics at the global level through monitoring progress, addressing challenges and gaps, planning future work and establishing good practices. Its work is based on the recognition that enhancing national statistical systems' capacity to develop gender statistics is key to addressing gender equality and promoting women's empowerment.

Since its inception, the IAEG-GS has established three advisory groups focusing respectively on: global gender statistics and indicators database; gender statistics training activities and curricula; and gender statistics legislation (See ACTIVITIES for more information).

In 2011, to guide the work on gender statistics, the 42nd session of the UN Statistical Commission considered a programme review of gender statistics, prepared by Ghana (E/CN.3/2011/3), and made a number of requests for the implementation of a global programme on gender statistics. The commission ''acknowledged the strategic role of the IAEG-GS and requested the expansion of its scope of work to include: (i) review of gender statistics with the aim of establishing a minimum set of gender indicators; (ii) guiding the development of manuals and methodological guidelines for the production and use of gender statistics; and (iii) serving as the coordination mechanism for the global programme on gender statistics'' (E/2011/24-E/CN.3/2011/37 - decision 2, point (f)).

Terms of Reference (as of October 2013)

Addendum Terms of Reference (as of February 2020)





For comments or inquiries, please contact:

Francesca Grum
Assistant Director, and Chief of the Demographic and Social Statistics Branch
United Nations Statistics Division
Tel: +1-212-963-4950