

 List of tables
 Vital Statistics Questionnaire (PDF 128 KB)
Table 1.3. Summary: Deaths by sex and urban/rural residence of deceased
Table 1.4. Summary: Infant deaths by sex of infant and urban/rural residence of mother

Table 1.10.

Summary: Expectation of life at birth
Table 12. Deaths by month of death
Table 13. Deaths by age and sex
Table 14a. Complete life table: Males
Table 14b. Complete life table: Females
Table 15a. Abridged life table: Males
Table 15b. Abridged life table: Females
Table 16. Infant deaths by month of death
Table 20. Infant deaths (deaths under 1 year of age) by age and sex
 Population Census Questionnaire (PDF 146 KB)
Table 13. Female population 15 years of age and over by age and number of children born alive
Table 14. Female population 15 years of age and over by age and number of children living