Human functioning and disability

Percentage of persons with disability by age and sex
Australia 1981 Survey
Total 3.5   
Male 3.8   
Female 3.0   

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Handicapped Persons in Australia (1984).

Questions used to identify persons with disabilities:

1. Is there anyone in the household who has any loss of sight?
2. Does anyone have anything wrong with their hearing?
3. Does anyone have anything wrong with their speech?
4. Is there anyone who has blackouts or fits or loses consciousness?
5. Does anyone have any condition that makes them slow at learning or understanding things?
6. Does everyone have full use of their arms and fingers?
7. Does everyone have full use of their feet and legs?
8. Is anyone receiving treatment for nerves or any emotional condition?
9. Does anyone have any condition that restricts them in physical activities or in doing physical work?
10. Does anyone have any disfigurement or deformity caused by an illness or injury, or that they have had from birth?
11. Does anyone ever need to be helped or supervised in doing things because or any mental disability?
12. Is anyone having long-term treatment or taking any medicine or tablets for a condition or ailment?