The World's Women 2010: Trends and Statistics


Chapter 1 - Population and families

Key findings

The world’s population tripled in the period 1950–2010 to reach almost 7 billion.
There are approximately 57 million more men than women in the world, yet in most countries there are more women than men.
There is a “gender spiral”, with more boys and men in younger age groups and more women in the older age groups.
Fertility is steadily declining in all regions of the world, though it still remains high in some regions of Africa.
Life expectancy is steadily rising, with women living longer than men.
International migration is increasing. There are more and more women migrants, and in certain areas they outnumber men.
The age at marriage for women continues to rise – and it remains high for men.
In family life women overwhelmingly carry the workload, although in some countries the gap has narrowed significantly.

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Statistical Annex:
Table 1.A Excel (76 KB), Pdf (75 KB)

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Selected visual statistics (Click on the graph to enlarge)

Source: United Nations, World Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision (2009).