22 April 2005

Statistics and indicators on women and men


List of tables

Population, by sex (thousands)
Women / 100 men
Percentage under age 15
Percentage aged 60 or over, by sex
Annual population growth rate
Percentage of population urban
Women / 100 men international migrants
 Women and men in families
Population 15 - 19 ever married, by sex
Singulate mean age at marriage, by sex
Contraceptive prevalence, married women
Total fertility rate (births per woman)
Births per 1000 women aged 15-19
Legal age for marriage, by sex
Life expectancy at birth, by sex
Life expectancy at age 60, by sex
Maternal mortality ratio
Infant mortality rate
Estimated number of adults living with HIV/AIDS
Women's share among adults living with HIV/AIDS
Primary net enrolment ratio, by sex
Secondary net enrolment ratio, by sex
Girl's share of secondary enrolment
Percentage illiterate persons, aged 15 - 24, by sex
Percentage illiterate persons, aged 25+, by sex
Tertiary gross enrolment ratio, by sex
Women's share of tertiary enrolment
Percentage of teachers who are women, for second level
Percentage of teachers who are women, for third level
Unemployment rate, by sex
Percentage of adult employment that is part-time, by sex
Women's share of part-time employment
Length of maternity leave
Percentage of wages paid in covered period
Provider of coverage
Adult (15+) economic activity rate, by sex
Percentage of women in the adult labour force
Employees, by sex
Employers, by sex
Own-account workers, by sex
Contributing family workers, by sex
Percentage of women among administrative and managerial workers
Women's wages in manufacturing as a percentage of men's wages
 Political decision making
Percentage of parliamentary seats in Single or Lower chamber occupied by women