The World's Women reports

World's Women 2000: Chapter 3 - Health
Some important findings:

Life expectancy continues to increase for women and men in most developing regions but has decreased dramatically in Southern Africa as a result of AIDS.

Infant mortality is generally higher for boys than for girls, except for some countries in Asia where gender-based discrimination outweighs girls' biological advantage.
Where women are sexually active at a young age, they are at risk of suffering short- and long-term consequences of sexually transmitted infections (including HIV), early pregnancy and unsafe abortion.
Data on maternal mortality and other causes of death are often unavailable or, where available, are unreliable due to deficiencies in vital statistics registration systems.
Women now account for almost half of all cases of HIV/AIDS, and in countries with high HIV prevalence, young women are at higher risk than young men of contracting HIV.
New efforts are being made to measure health expectancy---not just life expectancy---of the world's ageing population.
United Nations Statistics Division - Demographic and Social Statistics