Workshop on the 2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses: Census Evaluation and Post Enumeration Surveys, for Arabic speaking countries
21-24 November 2010, Amman, Jordan
List of documents
ESA/STAT/AC.231/L1 Agenda, Arabic 224 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/L2 Agenda, English 188 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/L3 Information Note, English 78 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/L4 List of Participants, English 62 KB
United Nations Statistics Division PresentationsESA/STAT/AC.231/1 Country Practices on Census Evaluation: 2000 Census Round, English 719 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/2 Overview of Census Evaluationand Selected Methods, English 230 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/3 Overview of Census Evaluationthrough Demographic Analysis, English 658 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/4 Planning and Implementation of Post Enumeration Surveys, English 243 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/5 Sampling Frames andSample Design, English 329 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/6 Methodologies and Procedures for Evaluating Coverage and Content Error, English 307 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/7 Matching, English 206 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/8 Treatment of Missing Data, English 231 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/9 Estimation of coverage errors using Dual System of Estimation (DSE), English 296 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/10 Evaluation of Content Error, English 440 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/11 Concept of Independence in Dual System Estimation (DSE), English 252 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/12 Adjusting Census Figures, English 171 KB Country Papers and PresentationsESA/STAT/AC.231/13 Bahrain: Census of Population, Housing,Buildings,Establishments and Agriculture, Arabic 1.8 MBESA/STAT/AC.231/14 Bahrain: Census of Population, Housing,Buildings,Establishments and Agriculture, English 1.6 MBESA/STAT/AC.231/15 Egypt: Post test survey of the General Census of Population and Housing, Arabic 328 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/16 Egypt: Post test survey of the General Census of Population and Housing, English 324 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/17 Iraq: Census Evaluation Methods, Arabic 1 MBESA/STAT/AC.231/18 Jordan: 2004 Population and Housing Census: Dimensional counting and Census Evaluation, Arabic 1.6 MBESA/STAT/AC.231/19 Lebanon: The Experience of Lebanon in the Census, Arabic 2.8 MBESA/STAT/AC.231/20 Libya: Dimensional count for the Census, Arabic 90 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/21 Mauritania: Census Evaluation, Arabic 824 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/22 Morocco: Monitoring Methods and Data Evaluation, Arabic 196 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/23 Palestine:2007 Population and Housing Census, Arabic 947 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/24 Palestine: Census Evaluation Study, Arabic 558 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/25 Saudi Arabia: 2010 Census Implementation, Arabic 120 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/26 Syria: 2004 Census Data Evaluation, Arabic 717 KBESA/STAT/AC.231/27 Tunisia: Evaluation of Population and Housing Census of 2004 in Tunisia, English 6.2 MBESA/STAT/AC.231/28 Yemen: Technical Frameworks to Assess the 2004 Census in the Republic of Yemen, Arabic 76 KB
HandbooksESA/STAT/AC.231/29 Febrl – An Open Source Data Cleaning, Deduplication and Record Linkage System with a Graphical User Interface, English 0.5 MBESA/STAT/AC.231/30 Census Data Capture Methodology, Technical Report, English 3.8 MBESA/STAT/SER.F/
82/Rev.1Handbook on Population and Housing Census Editing, Revision 1, English 2 MBESA/STAT/SER.F/
83Handbook on Census Management for Population and Housing Censuses, Arabic 3.6 MBESA/STAT/SER.F/
83/Rev.1Handbook on Census Management for Population and Housing Censuses, English 6.3 MBESA/STAT/SER.M/
67/Rev.2Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Revision 2 in Arabic 2.4 MBESA/STAT/SER.M/
67/Rev.2Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Revision 2 in English 2.5 MBESA/STAT/SER.F/98 Designing Household Survey Samples: Practical Guidelines, English 6.1 MBESA/STAT/SER.F/103 Handbook on Geospatial Infrastructure in Support of Census Activities, English 5.1 MBESA/STAT/AC.231/31 Post Enumeration Surveys: Operational Guidelines, English 1.1 MBESA/STAT/AC.231/32 Accuracy and Coverage Evaluation of Census 2000: Design and Methodology, English 3.8 MBESA/STAT/AC.231/33 Evaluating Censuses of Population and Housing, English 14 MB