Informal meeting of the Open Working Group on measuring progress

An informal meeting on measuring progress took place on 17 December 2013 in the Trusteeship Council Room at United Nations Headquarters.

National chief statisticians and monitoring experts met with the members of the Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to discuss how statistics can assist in the design of the SDGs and the post-2015 goals and targets to ensure that goals and targets will be measurable. The keynote address was delivered by Walter Radermacher, Chief Statistician of the European Union.

Meeting Agenda, Meeting Report and Concluding Remarks


  Keynote address:
How can statistics assist in the design of the SDGs and post- 2015 goals and targets?
Walter Radermacher (Eurostat)
PDF 743 KB  
Session 1 - Lessons learned from the monitoring of the MDGs and Sustainable Development Indicators (SDIs)
  Learning from National MDG Reports,
Shantanu Mukherjee (UNDP, MDG Team)
PPTX 532 KB  
  Mexico’s Experience Monitoring Millennium Development Goals,
Enrique Ordaz (INEGI, Mexico)
PPTX 61 KB  
  Main lessons learnt from monitoring sustainable development in Europe,
Marleen De Smedt (Eurostat)
PDF 749 KB  
  Monitoring and Assessing Sustainable Development - The Swiss Experience,
François Baumgartner (Swiss Federal Statistical Office)
PPTX 546 KB  
Session 2 - Review of existing proposals and their statistical requirements
  Examining data needs -- perspectives and assessments,
Peter Harper (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
PPTX 172 KB  
  A statistical framework for measuring sustainable development - Relevance for SDGs and post-2015 design?,
Rutger Hoekstra (Statistics Netherlands), Chair of the UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Task Force on Measuring Sustainable Development
PPT 6,309 KB  
Session 3 - Roadmap for measurement
  Sustainable Information for Sustainable Development: Need for Capacity Building,
Jose Ramon G. Albert (NSCB, Philippines)
PPTM 5,574 KB  
  Measurement for Sustainable Development South Africa - Statistics Matter,
Pali Lehohla (Statistics South Africa)
PPT 1,843 KB  
  Measuring Development Progress: Looking forward,
Johannes Jütting (PARIS21)
PPTX 3,822 KB  
  Roadmap for a monitoring framework for the post-2015 development agenda,
Gabriella Vukovich (Hungarian Central Statistical Office), Chair of the Statistical Commission
PPTX 81 KB  

Background Information

  • The 30-member Open Working Group of the General Assembly has been mandated by the Rio+20 outcome document to prepare a proposal on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for consideration by the General Assembly at its 68th session.

  • Detailed background information on how the statistical community supports the efforts towards SDGs and post-2015 goals and targets can be found on the website of the Friends of the Chair Group on Broader Measures of Progress, a body of the Statistical Commission established as a response to the request of the Rio+20 conference to launch a programme of work on broader measures of progress.

  • Presentation by Stefan Schweinfest, Acting Director of the United Nations Statistics Division, on statistics and indicators for the post-2015 development agenda.

  • Interview with Stefan Schweinfest, Acting Director of the United Nations Statistics Division, on the role of statistics to support the design of SDGs and the post-2015 development agenda and to implement a monitoring framework.

Video Streaming

The meeting is available for on demand streaming at