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CountryStatistical AgencyInstitutionThe Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics
Orinbor Str. 8
"House of Ministries", 4th entry
010000, Astana City, Kazakhstan

Phone (7-7172) 749503
Fax (7 7172) 749016

Email ;
 Legal FrameworkStatistical LawLaw on State Statistics
 Strategic FrameworkNSDS/Statistical Master PlanStatistical Master Plan (2008-2015)
 Relevant DocumentsDevelopment PlanAttachment 7 and 8
 Projects/Programmes2008 SNA Implementation Programme (ISWGNA)2008 SNA
  IBRD/IDA (World Bank)IBRD
 DataCSO Website accounts/Integrated accounts/Pages/default.aspx
 Statistical StandardsNational Accounts Methodology1993 System of National Accounts
  National Accounts Base YearVolume data in prices of previous year - chaining
  Balance of Payments ManualBPM5
  Government Finance Accounting ConceptConsolidated
  CPI Base Year2010
UNSDRelevant DocumentsDevelopment of National Statistical SystemsDNSS
  MDG Report2010
 DataCountry ProfileUNdata
  National AccountsAMA
  UN-NAQ Latest Submission2012
  UN-NAQ MRDS7 tables
  HFI DataNo
IMFRelevant DocumentsCountry Report
 DataWorld Economic OutlookWEO
World BankRelevant DocumentsCAS2001
 DataCountry DataKazakhstan
EurostatRelevant DocumentsStrategy PaperRegion-to-region relationship
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