UNSD-FCDO Governance

Governance structure

Governance for the project is composed of three components, a steering group, an advisory group and project meetings.

  • Advisory group: The advisory group consists of 18 members, including 9 representatives from National Statistical Offices and 9 from international and regional organizations. The group will provide advice and recommendations on the direction of the project. These recommendations will be agreed with UNSD and FCDO to ensure they are feasible and fall within the scope and mandate of the project. In addition, the Advisory Group will help with coordination of related projects and capacity development efforts by other international agencies. The group meets once in a year at margins of the UN Statistics Commission.

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  • Steering group: This group currently includes UNSD and FCDO. The group meets regularly via video link. These meetings helps in holding the implementing agency (UNSD) accountable to the donor (FCDO) and is used to make decisions where the donor needs to be involved.
  • Project meeting: An annual meeting for the 20 pilot project countries is held annual at the margins of the UN Statistical Commission.