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Treatment of statistical units in supply and use tables and institutional sector accounts

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Description of the issue
The rapidly changing nature of production and, in particular, the ways in which producers produce goods and services has cast the spotlight on the preference of the SNA for the use of the establishment unit to compile industrial statistics and, in particular, supply and use tables. One of the primary motivations underlying this preference reflects the view that establishments classified to the same industrial classification grouping shared similar characteristics in their production functions and were therefore to be considered broadly “homogeneous”. However, the increasing international fragmentation of production, coupled with the growing emergence of new types of producers, has weakened underlying assumptions of homogeneity.

The AEG endorsed the creation of a Task Force on Statistical Units whose mandate would be to take stock of the 2008 SNA recommendations on statistical units (including institutional units), and to reflect on whether or not the recommendations on statistical units need to be adjusted in the future.

The Task Force is expected to provide a clear view of what needs to be measured in the economy in order to identify ways to improve the definitions, if necessary, while taking into consideration current country practices and regional accounts as well as productivity measurement. In this regard, the AEG recommended the holding of consultations with a broad community of experts, including business register experts, survey specialists and classification experts.

For more information see paragraphs 39 to 41 of the conclusions of the 9th AEG meeting.

See also issue 8 of the Research Agenda.