S16: Names placement

3. Graphic variables of text - 3e) slant, case, width, underline


A type style (similar to typeface and font) can have different features:

  • Slant
    • roman vs italic type style
    • logically used to distinguish two major object classes: e.g. features of high relief (mountains, plateaus) vs features of low/no relief (valleys, lowlands) or land versus water features
    • backward italic(third option) rarely used

  • Case
    • capital vs mixed case
    • suitable for hierarchical distinction (quantity)
    • capitalized text allows smaller type

  • Letter width (or just "width")
    • condensed fonts require larger type size
    • suitable for hierarchical distinction (quantity)

  • Line width (or "boldness")
    • bold - medium - bold type varieties
    • suitable for hierarchical distinction (quantity)

  • Underlining
    • single or double underlining (e.g. administrative capitals)
    • solid or dashed lines, or combinations of these
    • suitable for distinction of order

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Copyright United Nations Statistics Division and International Cartographic Association, July 2012