International Workshop on Economic Census, Statistical Business Registers and Integrated Economic Statistics
Organized by UNSD and INEGI

  • Aguascalientes, Mexico
  • 29 September – 1 October 2015

The objective of the workshop is for participating countries to share experience and knowledge in maintaining and linking the SBR to economic statistics for creating an integrated economic statistics programme, in running an Economic Census, and using administrative data.

In addition, certain challenges and obstacles and solutions will be discussed, including the revision of laws relating to the access of information on individual establishments for statistical purposes; aligning statistical concepts and definitions to the administrative units available; standardizing and linking information from the SBR to external data sources; replacing questionnaires with information available from the economic census, and/or the SBR.

The workshop will allow for discussion and sharing of examples, knowledge and best practices on the following themes:

  • Advantages, areas of opportunity and challenges of the Economic Census
  • Major innovations in attracting/collecting census information
  • The economic census and registration of businesses, as inputs to the System of National Accounts
  • Implementation of new technologies for dissemination of census results
  • Design, implementation and updating of the SBR
  • Challenges of SBRs

Day 1

Day 2

Panel III: Statistical Business Register

Day 3

Panel V: Integrated economic statistics