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Friends of the Chair Group on
International Trade and Economic Globalization

Expert Meeting Organized by UNSD and HOSTED BY INEGI

Aguascalientes, Mexico
2 October 2014



Friends of the Chair on International Trade and Economic Globalization will meet for the second time to discuss progress made during the period 2013-2014 and to finalize the concept paper on the measurement of international trade and economic globalization along with programme of work and coordination mechanism for submission to Statistical Commission at its 46th session in 2015 (see UNSC decision 45/106).

For detailed background on Friends of the Chair on International Trade and Economic Globalization, visit the first FOC Meeting webpage.


El Grupo de Amigos del Presidente (GAP) en Comercio Internacional y Globalización Económica, se reunirá por segunda ocasión para analizar el avance realizado durante el período 2013 – 2014, y para finalizar el documento conceptual sobre la medición del comercio internacional y la globalización de la economía, junto con el programa de trabajo y el mecanismo de coordinación para ser presentado a la Comisión de Estadística en su 46ª Sesión en el año 2015 (véase UNSC decision 45/106).

Para más información detallada sobre el Grupo Amigos del Presidente en Comercio Internacional y Globalización Económica, visite la página web del FOC primera reunión.


Thursday, 2 October 2014

Whole-day session
Progress report of FOC work over 2013-2014
Draft concept paper for Statistical Commission
Future work programme in the field of measurement of international trade and economic globalization
Coordination mechanism of future work programme
Report to the Statistical Commission


Event page launched
18 July 2014

Event page launched with agenda and downloadable background documents.