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Advancing the Global Statistical System- Major work areas and accomplishments
16 February 2011

Making Gender Statistics Meaningful on the Ground

24 February 2011, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
Venue: North Lawn Building, Conference Room D
United Nations, New York

This side event hopes to point out the gaps and challenges in meeting the gender data needs of national and regional development partners – both government and civil society – and to invite greater collaboration among sister UN Agencies and development partners in order to address them.

The side event will provide an opportunity for countries to present and exchange views on ongoing gender statistics programmes and for UN Agencies and development partners to present their ideas and current work on gender statistics. It will address issues of data consistency and comparability and discuss current partnerships in the context of three recent Global Fora on Gender Statistics, the publication of “The World’s Women 2010: Trends and Statistics” and the establishment of UN Women.

Organizers: UNFPA, UNSD and UN Women
Seminar Programme/Agenda
Introduction: Co-chairs: Werner Haug (UNFPA), Francesca Perucci (UNSD) and Sylvie I. Cohen (UN Women)
Global Gender Statistics Programme
Francesca Perucci, UNSD
On Meeting Gender Data Needs in the Philippines
Romulo A. Virola, National Statistical Coordination Board, Philippines
Data coherence challenges in using gender responsive data for planning: Case of Uganda
John B. Male-Mukasa, Uganda Bureau of statistics
Pacific regional gender statistics initiative
Treva Braun, Secretariat of the Pacific Community