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Advancing the Global Statistical System- Major work areas and accomplishments
This Forum is one of the special side events organized by the UN Statistics Division on the occasion of the Statistical Commission, to discuss special challenges confronting the global statistical community. This year's topic will explore how the effectiveness of the national statistical systems can be assessed. Timeliness, quality, coverage and independence of official statistics are often being challenged. This Forum will allow users and producers to take a systematic look at the issues of effectiveness and to suggest possible future actions.
CV: Eduardo Pereira NunesCV: Enrico GiovanniniCV: Mohamed TaamoutiCV: Dr Insill YI CV: Rebecca M. Blank

High Level Forum Presentation Papers
Rebecca M. Blank
Under Secretary for Economic Affairs,
US Department of Commerce
Improving National Statistical Systems
Enrico Giovannini
President, National Institute od Statistics, Italy
Maximising the Effectiveness of National Statistical Offices: What Does It Mean?
Mohamed Taâmouti
Directeur, Direction de la Statistique, Morocco
Assessing the effectiveness of national statistical systems