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Advancing the Global Statistical System- Major work areas and accomplishments
19 February 2010

Seminar on Emerging Trends
in Data Communication and Dissemination

19 February 2010, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Conference Room 2
Temporary North Lawn Building
United Nations, New York


The seminar on “Emerging Trends in Data Communication and Dissemination" is part of a series of one-day high level seminars dedicated to topics of great relevance for the global statistical community, which UNSD has been organizing for some years now on the Friday before the Statistical Commission session. The seminar is meant to provide a discussion forum for statistical managers to share experiences on new approaches in the way national statistical offices and international agencies disseminate their data to users and engage actively in communication with them.

The seminar will offer keynote presentations by Mr. Walter Radermacher, Director-General of Eurostat and by Mr. Hans Rosling, Founder of the Gapminder Foundation (Sweden). It will also consist of 2 panel discussions focusing on the specific themes of "Emerging Practices in Data Communication" and "Emerging Technologies". All participants of the forthcoming Statistical Commission session are cordially invited. An interactive discussion is expected.

Chairpersons:    Ms. Grace Bediako, Government Statistician, Ghana
                        Mr. Haidar Fraihat, Director-General, Department of Statistics, Jordan

Morning Session, 10:00 - 13:00
10:00-10:10 Welcome remarks by the Chair and the Director of UNSD
10:10-11:00 Keynote Speech: Communication and Dissemination as Integral Parts of European Statistics
Mr. Walter Radermacher, Director-General, Eurostat

Presentations on Emerging Practices in Data Communication

  Mr. Abdul Rahman Hasan, Deputy Chief Statistician, Malaysia
  Mr. Siu-Ming Tam, First Assistant Statistician, Australian Bureau of Statistics
Emerging Trends and ABS Initiatives on Data Communication
  Ms. Sandra Cannon, Assistant Director, Federal Reserve Board, USA
  Ms. Mariana Schkolnik, Director-General, INE, Chile
Afternoon Session, 14:00 - 17:00
14:00-15:00 Keynote Speech on Data Communication
Mr. Hans Rosling, Founder, Gapminder Foundation, Sweden
15:00-16:30 Presentations on Emerging Technologies
Mr. Timothy Trainor, Chief, Geography Division, U.S. Census Bureau

Mr. Alan Smith, Director, Data Visualization Centre, ONS, UK

Mr. Zoltan Nagy, Chief, Office and Technology Management Section, UNSD

16:30-17:00 Concluding Session - Summary by Chairs