Caribbean Conference on a Transformative Agenda for Official Statistics

Co-organized by:
United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD)
Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Statistics Canada (StatCan)
Project for the Regional Advancement of Statistics in the Caribbean (PRASC)
Barbados Statistical Services

With the support of:
Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat)
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

The Caribbean Conference is part of a series of regional conferences on a Transformative Agenda for Official Statistics in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It builds on the outcome of the High-Level Global Conference organized by UNSD and Eurostat in January 2015 in New York and the recognition by the 46th and 47th sessions of the UN Statistical Commission of the emerging demands for high-quality statistics and the need for modernization of national, regional and international statistical systems. The Conference aims at taking stock of various international, regional, and national initiatives for integrating and modernizing statistical systems, and shaping the initiative for a Transformative Agenda to the CARICOM region’s context.

The Conference is targeting heads of national statistical offices, chief statisticians of international and regional organizations, multilateral and bilateral partners, and other stakeholders.

The Conference will be organized in four substantive sessions covering the 5 thematic areas of the Transformative Agenda. It is expected Caribbean countries (CARICOM member states and associate members) to steer this event for which substantial time will be assigned to group discussions and plenary interventions.

Day 1: Wednesday, 7 September

Welcome and opening remarks
  • Mr. Aubrey Browne, Statistical Service, Barbados
  • Ms. Philomen Harrison, CARICOM
  • Ms. Mariko Russell, Inter-American Development Bank
  • Mr. Stephane Dufour, Statistics Canada
  • Mr. Pascual Gerstenfeld, ECLAC
  • Mr. Ivo Havinga, UNSD
Tea/Coffee Break
Session 1: Coordination at and between the global, (sub-) regional and National Statistical Systems (Thematic 1), Communication, and Advocacy (Thematic 2)

Facilitator: Ms. Gatlin Roberts, Statistical Office, St. Vincent and the Grenadines


  • Thematic 1: Ms. Prayma Carrette, Central Statistical Office, Dominica
  • Thematic 2: Mr. Iwan Sno, Director of Statistics, General Bureau of Statistics, Suriname
  • Thematic 1/2: Ms. Philomen Harrison, CARICOM
Lunch Break
Session 2: Integrated Statistical Systems: Data Collection, Processing and Dissemination of Integrated Statistics

Facilitator: Mr. Statchel Edwards, Statistics Division, Antigua and Barbuda


Tea/Coffee break
Session 2: Plenary presentations of the outcome of breakout meetings and discussions

Day 2: Thursday, 8 September

Session 3: Innovation and modernization through standard-based statistical business architecture

Facilitator: Mr. Sean Francis O'Brien, Bureau of Statistics, Trinidad and Tobago


Tea/Coffee break
Session 3: Plenary presentations of the outcome of breakout meetings and discussions
Lunch Break
Session 4: Capacity Building and Training

Facilitator: Mr Halim Brizan, Central Statistical Office, Grenada


Tea/Coffee break
Session 4: Plenary presentations of the outcome of breakout meetings and discussions

Day 3: Friday, 9 September

Conclusions and the way forward

Facilitator: Ms. Carol Coy, Director-General, Statistical Institute of Jamaica

Presentation of the CARICOM Action Plan for the Improvement of Statistics

  • Mr Halim Brizan, Central Statistical Office, Grenada


  • Ms. Prayma Carrette, Central Statistical Office, Dominica
  • Ms. Leona Wilson, Department of Statistics, Bahamas
  • Mr. Edwin St. Catherine, Central Statistical Office, Saint Lucia
  • Ms. Philomen Harrison, CARICOM
  • Mr. Giovanni Savio, ECLAC
  • Mr. Ivo Havinga, UNSD
Closing and farewell


  • Mr. Stéphane Dufour, Statistics Canada
  • Ms. Mariko Russell, Inter-American Development Bank
  • Mr. Ivo Havinga, UNSD
  • Ms. Philomen Harrison, CARICOM


"Barbados Beach" by Berit Watkin - Licensed under CC BY 2.0.