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Table Indices of world industrial production, by branches of industry and regions
Technical note The indices of industrial production are classified according to sections, divisions and combinations of divisions of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Rev.4 for mining, manufacturing, electricity, gas and steam, water supply and waste management activities as defined in sections B, C, D and E of the classification. The indices indicate trends in value added in constant prices. The measure of value added is the national accounting concept, which is defined as gross output less intermediate consumption. Each series is compiled by using the Laspeyres formula, that is, the indices are base-weighted arithmetic means, where the weights used in the calculation of the indices for a particular country are the value added contributions to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the given industry during the base year. The current weight base year is 2005 and value added, generally at factor cost, is used in weighting. Ideally, every five years, the base year is updated and the indices are rebased.

Within each of the ISIC categories (sections, divisions and combinations of divisions) shown in the tables, the indices for the country groupings are calculated directly from the individual provided country data. The indices for the World, however, are calculated from the aggregated indices for the groupings of developed and developing countries.

At present, Table 4 has been suspended from future editions pending implementation of ISIC Rev.4.

Data source United Nations Statistics Division, Index Numbers of Industrial Production and country responses to the Monthly Bulletin of Statistics questionnaires, supplemented by international and national publications.
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