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44. Money supply
Finance - Money supply: money
(billion national currency units end of period)
Poland Period Currency Data Footnotes
2009JUL Zloty 363.655
2009JUN Zloty 370.619
2009MAY Zloty 359.926
2009APR Zloty 351.968
2009MAR Zloty 356.863
2009FEB Zloty 347.600
2009JAN Zloty 341.262
2008DEC Zloty 349.942
2008NOV Zloty 344.879
2008OCT Zloty 345.537
2008SEP Zloty 355.004
2008AUG Zloty 353.018
2008JUL Zloty 352.889
2008JUN Zloty 353.668
2008MAY Zloty 343.811
2008APR Zloty 327.108
2008MAR Zloty 337.996
2008FEB Zloty 328.719
2008JAN Zloty 330.357
2007DEC Zloty 335.266
2007NOV Zloty 313.376
2007OCT Zloty 302.668
2007SEP Zloty 309.746
2007AUG Zloty 301.055
2007JUL Zloty 303.226
2007JUN Zloty 295.882
2007MAY Zloty 293.062
2007APR Zloty 285.350
2007MAR Zloty 286.465
2007FEB Zloty 284.706
2007JAN Zloty 277.433
2006DEC Zloty 275.831
2006NOV Zloty 264.099
2006OCT Zloty 254.664
2006SEP Zloty 253.299
2006AUG Zloty 248.995
2006JUL Zloty 246.684
2006JUN Zloty 240.179
2006MAY Zloty 237.370
2006APR Zloty 222.681
2006MAR Zloty 222.774
2006FEB Zloty 224.478
2006JAN Zloty 217.344
2005DEC Zloty 220.641
2005NOV Zloty 214.578
2005OCT Zloty 207.585
2005SEP Zloty 203.606
2005AUG Zloty 204.549
2005JUL Zloty 197.212
2005JUN Zloty 198.995
2005MAY Zloty 199.175
2005APR Zloty 185.664
2005MAR Zloty 189.897
2005FEB Zloty 185.597
2005JAN Zloty 179.444
2004DEC Zloty 175.720
2004NOV Zloty 175.119
2004OCT Zloty 181.676
2004SEP Zloty 168.833
2004AUG Zloty 168.840
2004JUL Zloty 163.459
2004JUN Zloty 168.783
2004MAY Zloty 164.884
2004APR Zloty 160.171
2004MAR Zloty 161.174
2004FEB Zloty 156.088
2004JAN Zloty 152.470
2003DEC Zloty 133.576
2003NOV Zloty 131.496
2003OCT Zloty 126.864
2003SEP Zloty 128.128
2003AUG Zloty 125.802
2003JUL Zloty 123.204
2003JUN Zloty 122.289
2003MAY Zloty 115.472
2003APR Zloty 109.361
2003MAR Zloty 113.012
2003FEB Zloty 110.193
2003JAN Zloty 108.295
2002DEC Zloty 112.889
2002NOV Zloty 107.328
2002OCT Zloty 104.041
2002SEP Zloty 104.735
2002AUG Zloty 104.762
2002JUL Zloty 105.793
2002JUN Zloty 103.208
2002MAY Zloty 100.100
2002APR Zloty 95.859
2002MAR Zloty 93.602
2002FEB Zloty 88.109
2002JAN Zloty 85.229
2001DEC Zloty 94.158
2001NOV Zloty 85.902
2001OCT Zloty 88.249
2001SEP Zloty 89.086
2001AUG Zloty 86.684
2001JUL Zloty 87.562
2001JUN Zloty 85.178
2001MAY Zloty 84.308
2001APR Zloty 83.712
2001MAR Zloty 82.397
2001FEB Zloty 82.196
2001JAN Zloty 81.915
2000DEC Zloty 82.574
2000NOV Zloty 80.132
2000OCT Zloty 79.920
2000SEP Zloty 80.437
2000AUG Zloty 81.892
2000JUL Zloty 82.172
2000JUN Zloty 85.367
2000MAY Zloty 80.204
2000APR Zloty 79.611
2000MAR Zloty 77.951
2000FEB Zloty 78.233
2000JAN Zloty 79.332
2009Q2 Zloty 370.619
2009Q1 Zloty 356.863
2008Q4 Zloty 349.942
2008Q3 Zloty 355.004
2008Q2 Zloty 353.668
2008Q1 Zloty 337.996
2007Q4 Zloty 335.266
2007Q3 Zloty 309.746
2007Q2 Zloty 295.882
2007Q1 Zloty 286.465
2006Q4 Zloty 275.831
2006Q3 Zloty 253.299
2006Q2 Zloty 240.179
2006Q1 Zloty 222.774
2005Q4 Zloty 220.641
2005Q3 Zloty 203.606
2005Q2 Zloty 198.995
2005Q1 Zloty 189.897
2004Q4 Zloty 175.720
2004Q3 Zloty 168.833
2004Q2 Zloty 168.783
2004Q1 Zloty 161.174
2003Q4 Zloty 133.576
2003Q3 Zloty 128.128
2003Q2 Zloty 122.289
2003Q1 Zloty 113.012
2002Q4 Zloty 112.889
2002Q3 Zloty 104.735
2002Q2 Zloty 103.208
2002Q1 Zloty 93.602
2001Q4 Zloty 94.158
2001Q3 Zloty 89.086
2001Q2 Zloty 85.178
2001Q1 Zloty 82.397
2000Q4 Zloty 82.574
2000Q3 Zloty 80.437
2000Q2 Zloty 85.367
2000Q1 Zloty 77.951
2008YEAR Zloty 349.942
2007YEAR Zloty 335.266
2006YEAR Zloty 275.831
2005YEAR Zloty 220.641
2004YEAR Zloty 175.720
2003YEAR Zloty 133.576
2002YEAR Zloty 112.889
2001YEAR Zloty 94.158
2000YEAR Zloty 82.574
Finance - Money supply: reserve money
(billion national currency units end of period)
Poland Period Currency Data Footnotes
2009JUL Zloty 127.531
2009JUN Zloty 127.326
2009MAY Zloty 128.470
2009APR Zloty 133.716
2009MAR Zloty 132.413
2009FEB Zloty 136.282
2009JAN Zloty 132.018
2008DEC Zloty 133.597
2008NOV Zloty 132.200
2008OCT Zloty 135.062
2008SEP Zloty 115.425
2008AUG Zloty 114.349
2008JUL Zloty 113.442
2008JUN Zloty 118.896
2008MAY Zloty 103.407
2008APR Zloty 108.696
2008MAR Zloty 106.425
2008FEB Zloty 103.099
2008JAN Zloty 105.953
2007DEC Zloty 106.755
2007NOV Zloty 113.390
2007OCT Zloty 100.824
2007SEP Zloty 96.869
2007AUG Zloty 99.393
2007JUL Zloty 103.116
2007JUN Zloty 95.737
2007MAY Zloty 95.206
2007APR Zloty 92.925
2007MAR Zloty 91.589
2007FEB Zloty 91.094
2007JAN Zloty 90.577
2006DEC Zloty 89.113
2006NOV Zloty 89.319
2006OCT Zloty 84.073
2006SEP Zloty 82.096
2006AUG Zloty 86.021
2006JUL Zloty 83.103
2006JUN Zloty 83.283
2006MAY Zloty 80.752
2006APR Zloty 80.528
2006MAR Zloty 76.314
2006FEB Zloty 75.445
2006JAN Zloty 73.598
2005DEC Zloty 71.946
2005NOV Zloty 76.628
2005OCT Zloty 74.047
2005SEP Zloty 73.436
2005AUG Zloty 76.426
2005JUL Zloty 72.846
2005JUN Zloty 72.266
2005MAY Zloty 73.124
2005APR Zloty 70.826
2005MAR Zloty 69.292
2005FEB Zloty 67.979
2005JAN Zloty 67.142
2004DEC Zloty 70.007
2004NOV Zloty 64.502
2004OCT Zloty 64.630
2004SEP Zloty 64.041
2004AUG Zloty 71.910
2004JUL Zloty 63.988
2004JUN Zloty 64.239
2004MAY Zloty 66.695
2004APR Zloty 63.928
2004MAR Zloty 63.330
2004FEB Zloty 64.338
2004JAN Zloty 58.776
2003DEC Zloty 66.337
2003NOV Zloty 62.155
2003OCT Zloty 67.457
2003SEP Zloty 66.561
2003AUG Zloty 61.722
2003JUL Zloty 68.029
2003JUN Zloty 64.472
2003MAY Zloty 62.346
2003APR Zloty 62.069
2003MAR Zloty 60.194
2003FEB Zloty 59.156
2003JAN Zloty 58.736
2002DEC Zloty 62.066
2002NOV Zloty 57.356
2002OCT Zloty 59.222
2002SEP Zloty 57.471
2002AUG Zloty 56.939
2002JUL Zloty 56.817
2002JUN Zloty 62.809
2002MAY Zloty 50.963
2002APR Zloty 54.860
2002MAR Zloty 58.205
2002FEB Zloty 61.778
2002JAN Zloty 51.176
2001DEC Zloty 63.704
2001NOV Zloty 58.377
2001OCT Zloty 52.767
2001SEP Zloty 52.284
2001AUG Zloty 56.161
2001JUL Zloty 53.032
2001JUN Zloty 52.544
2001MAY Zloty 51.532
2001APR Zloty 54.498
2001MAR Zloty 52.275
2001FEB Zloty 45.555
2001JAN Zloty 53.693
2000DEC Zloty 48.818
2000NOV Zloty 46.052
2000OCT Zloty 50.453
2000SEP Zloty 51.132
2000AUG Zloty 50.793
2000JUL Zloty 53.631
2000JUN Zloty 51.841
2000MAY Zloty 47.664
2000APR Zloty 49.487
2000MAR Zloty 45.198
2000FEB Zloty 41.245
2000JAN Zloty 44.791
2009Q2 Zloty 127.326
2009Q1 Zloty 132.413
2008Q4 Zloty 133.597
2008Q3 Zloty 115.425
2008Q2 Zloty 118.896
2008Q1 Zloty 106.425
2007Q4 Zloty 106.755
2007Q3 Zloty 96.869
2007Q2 Zloty 95.737
2007Q1 Zloty 91.589
2006Q4 Zloty 89.113
2006Q3 Zloty 82.096
2006Q2 Zloty 83.283
2006Q1 Zloty 76.314
2005Q4 Zloty 71.946
2005Q3 Zloty 73.436
2005Q2 Zloty 72.266
2005Q1 Zloty 69.292
2004Q4 Zloty 70.007
2004Q3 Zloty 64.041
2004Q2 Zloty 64.239
2004Q1 Zloty 63.330
2003Q4 Zloty 66.337
2003Q3 Zloty 66.561
2003Q2 Zloty 64.472
2003Q1 Zloty 60.194
2002Q4 Zloty 62.066
2002Q3 Zloty 57.471
2002Q2 Zloty 62.809
2002Q1 Zloty 58.205
2001Q4 Zloty 63.704
2001Q3 Zloty 52.284
2001Q2 Zloty 52.544
2001Q1 Zloty 52.275
2000Q4 Zloty 48.818
2000Q3 Zloty 51.132
2000Q2 Zloty 51.841
2000Q1 Zloty 45.198
2008YEAR Zloty 133.597
2007YEAR Zloty 106.755
2006YEAR Zloty 89.113
2005YEAR Zloty 71.946
2004YEAR Zloty 70.007
2003YEAR Zloty 66.337
2002YEAR Zloty 62.066
2001YEAR Zloty 63.704
2000YEAR Zloty 48.818
Finance - Money supply: broad money liabilities
(billion national currency units end of period)
Poland Period Currency Data Footnotes
2022MAR Zloty 2007.24
2022FEB Zloty 1984.24
2022JAN Zloty 1960.13
2021DEC Zloty 1985.02
2021NOV Zloty 1971.94
2021OCT Zloty 1935.69
2021SEP Zloty 1914.20
2021AUG Zloty 1902.57
2021JUL Zloty 1894.52
2021JUN Zloty 1876.00
2021MAY Zloty 1871.97
2021APR Zloty 1859.96
2021MAR Zloty 1862.40
2021FEB Zloty 1836.60
2021JAN Zloty 1819.84
2020DEC Zloty 1822.38
2020NOV Zloty 1790.33
2020OCT Zloty 1782.27
2020SEP Zloty 1761.82
2020AUG Zloty 1743.74
2020JUL Zloty 1740.48
2020JUN Zloty 1745.88
2020MAY Zloty 1717.55
2020APR Zloty 1672.79
2020MAR Zloty 1628.07
2020FEB Zloty 1579.02
2020JAN Zloty 1557.43
2019DEC Zloty 1565.22
2019NOV Zloty 1542.23
2019OCT Zloty 1523.59
2019SEP Zloty 1505.82
2019AUG Zloty 1500.12
2019JUL Zloty 1490.53
2019JUN Zloty 1477.87
2019MAY Zloty 1480.24
2019APR Zloty 1466.74
2019MAR Zloty 1456.84
2019FEB Zloty 1443.69
2019JAN Zloty 1425.08
2018DEC Zloty 1445.74
2018NOV Zloty 1409.69
2018OCT Zloty 1394.70
2018SEP Zloty 1376.17
2018AUG Zloty 1365.48
2018JUL Zloty 1356.81
2018JUN Zloty 1352.50
2018MAY Zloty 1346.71
2018APR Zloty 1328.85
2018MAR Zloty 1325.80
2018FEB Zloty 1315.39
2018JAN Zloty 1309.61
2017DEC Zloty 1324.37
2017NOV Zloty 1295.82
2017OCT Zloty 1287.69
2017SEP Zloty 1275.94
2017AUG Zloty 1269.80
2017JUL Zloty 1264.29
2017JUN Zloty 1260.70
2017MAY Zloty 1263.88
2017APR Zloty 1257.18
2017MAR Zloty 1253.37
2017FEB Zloty 1253.84
2017JAN Zloty 1249.01
2016DEC Zloty 1265.47
2016NOV Zloty 1239.49
2016OCT Zloty 1218.09
2016SEP Zloty 1209.92
2016AUG Zloty 1204.44
2016JUL Zloty 1203.82
2016JUN Zloty 1200.70
2016MAY Zloty 1189.19
2016APR Zloty 1178.16
2016MAR Zloty 1162.42
2016FEB Zloty 1158.73
2016JAN Zloty 1151.17
2015DEC Zloty 1154.99
2015NOV Zloty 1130.02
2015OCT Zloty 1120.68
2015SEP Zloty 1106.54
2015AUG Zloty 1094.50
2015JUL Zloty 1087.32
2015JUN Zloty 1077.72
2015MAY Zloty 1065.81
2015APR Zloty 1055.85
2015MAR Zloty 1066.04
2015FEB Zloty 1052.74
2015JAN Zloty 1044.75
2014DEC Zloty 1059.02
2014NOV Zloty 1033.42
2014OCT Zloty 1028.67
2014SEP Zloty 1021.83
2014AUG Zloty 1020.56
2014JUL Zloty 1002.13
2014JUN Zloty 996.17
2014MAY Zloty 991.12
2014APR Zloty 986.14
2014MAR Zloty 980.37
2014FEB Zloty 968.43
2014JAN Zloty 962.41
2013DEC Zloty 978.90
2013NOV Zloty 953.44
2013OCT Zloty 955.41
2013SEP Zloty 947.23
2013AUG Zloty 949.98
2013JUL Zloty 945.07
2013JUN Zloty 946.58
2013MAY Zloty 941.79
2013APR Zloty 935.23
2013MAR Zloty 932.01
2013FEB Zloty 920.26
2013JAN Zloty 913.43
2012DEC Zloty 921.41
2012NOV Zloty 901.84
2012OCT Zloty 902.44
2012SEP Zloty 892.68
2012AUG Zloty 895.53
2012JUL Zloty 886.87
2012JUN Zloty 884.72
2012MAY Zloty 884.15
2012APR Zloty 870.71
2012MAR Zloty 874.49
2012FEB Zloty 872.12
2012JAN Zloty 874.63
2011DEC Zloty 881.50
2011NOV Zloty 853.35
2011OCT Zloty 835.65
2011SEP Zloty 829.48
2011AUG Zloty 815.79
2011JUL Zloty 799.13
2011JUN Zloty 797.35
2011MAY Zloty 795.50
2011APR Zloty 790.25
2011MAR Zloty 801.20
2011FEB Zloty 776.00
2011JAN Zloty 769.16
2010DEC Zloty 783.65
2010NOV Zloty 763.35
2010OCT Zloty 756.55
2010SEP Zloty 752.87
2010AUG Zloty 749.57
2010JUL Zloty 743.27
2010JUN Zloty 742.77
2010MAY Zloty 737.85
2010APR Zloty 721.22
2010MAR Zloty 721.51
2010FEB Zloty 715.59
2010JAN Zloty 711.03
2009DEC Zloty 720.23
2009NOV Zloty 699.86
2009OCT Zloty 711.20
2009SEP Zloty 691.27
2009AUG Zloty 685.39
2009JUL Zloty 689.43
2009JUN Zloty 693.69
2009MAY Zloty 685.39
2009APR Zloty 680.03
2009MAR Zloty 683.67
2009FEB Zloty 680.93
2009JAN Zloty 668.85
2008DEC Zloty 666.23
2008NOV Zloty 648.30
2008OCT Zloty 635.74
2008SEP Zloty 630.46
2008AUG Zloty 628.65
2008JUL Zloty 616.09
2008JUN Zloty 606.59
2008MAY Zloty 600.13
2008APR Zloty 594.32
2008MAR Zloty 581.83
2008FEB Zloty 577.95
2008JAN Zloty 568.64
2007DEC Zloty 561.62
2007NOV Zloty 548.96
2007OCT Zloty 541.94
2007SEP Zloty 537.33
2007AUG Zloty 538.04
2007JUL Zloty 527.69
2007JUN Zloty 521.38
2007MAY Zloty 521.24
2007APR Zloty 517.00
2007MAR Zloty 511.98
2007FEB Zloty 509.35
2007JAN Zloty 503.57
2006DEC Zloty 495.31
2006NOV Zloty 483.26
2006OCT Zloty 476.37
2006SEP Zloty 469.49
2006AUG Zloty 463.24
2006JUL Zloty 456.53
2006JUN Zloty 454.38
2006MAY Zloty 449.32
2006APR Zloty 438.93
2006MAR Zloty 433.72
2006FEB Zloty 431.53
2006JAN Zloty 422.12
2005DEC Zloty 427.12
2005NOV Zloty 421.69
2005OCT Zloty 422.36
2005SEP Zloty 414.13
2005AUG Zloty 409.92
2005JUL Zloty 403.39
2005JUN Zloty 404.86
2005MAY Zloty 405.25
2005APR Zloty 397.64
2005MAR Zloty 391.18
2005FEB Zloty 382.28
2005JAN Zloty 377.23
2004DEC Zloty 371.27
2004NOV Zloty 359.70
2004OCT Zloty 373.50
2004SEP Zloty 354.38
2004AUG Zloty 354.86
2004JUL Zloty 350.94
2004JUN Zloty 351.48
2004MAY Zloty 345.59
2004APR Zloty 349.39
2004MAR Zloty 340.65
2004FEB Zloty 338.38
2004JAN Zloty 334.93
2022Q1 Zloty 2007.24
2021Q4 Zloty 1985.02
2021Q3 Zloty 1914.20
2021Q2 Zloty 1876.00
2021Q1 Zloty 1862.40
2020Q4 Zloty 1822.38
2020Q3 Zloty 1761.82
2020Q2 Zloty 1745.88
2020Q1 Zloty 1628.07
2019Q4 Zloty 1565.22
2019Q3 Zloty 1505.82
2019Q2 Zloty 1477.87
2019Q1 Zloty 1456.84
2018Q4 Zloty 1445.74
2018Q3 Zloty 1376.17
2018Q2 Zloty 1352.50
2018Q1 Zloty 1325.80
2017Q4 Zloty 1324.37
2017Q3 Zloty 1275.94
2017Q2 Zloty 1260.70
2017Q1 Zloty 1253.37
2016Q4 Zloty 1265.47
2016Q3 Zloty 1209.92
2016Q2 Zloty 1200.70
2016Q1 Zloty 1162.42
2015Q4 Zloty 1154.99
2015Q3 Zloty 1106.54
2015Q2 Zloty 1077.72
2015Q1 Zloty 1066.04
2014Q4 Zloty 1059.02
2014Q3 Zloty 1021.83
2014Q2 Zloty 996.17
2014Q1 Zloty 980.37
2013Q4 Zloty 978.90
2013Q3 Zloty 947.23
2013Q2 Zloty 946.58
2013Q1 Zloty 932.01
2012Q4 Zloty 921.41
2012Q3 Zloty 892.68
2012Q2 Zloty 884.72
2012Q1 Zloty 874.49
2011Q4 Zloty 881.50
2011Q3 Zloty 829.48
2011Q2 Zloty 797.35
2011Q1 Zloty 801.20
2010Q4 Zloty 783.65
2010Q3 Zloty 752.87
2010Q2 Zloty 742.77
2010Q1 Zloty 721.51
2009Q4 Zloty 720.23
2009Q3 Zloty 691.27
2009Q2 Zloty 693.69
2009Q1 Zloty 683.67
2008Q4 Zloty 666.23
2008Q3 Zloty 630.46
2008Q2 Zloty 606.59
2008Q1 Zloty 581.83
2007Q4 Zloty 561.62
2007Q3 Zloty 537.33
2007Q2 Zloty 521.38
2007Q1 Zloty 511.98
2006Q4 Zloty 495.31
2006Q3 Zloty 469.49
2006Q2 Zloty 454.38
2006Q1 Zloty 433.72
2005Q4 Zloty 427.12
2005Q3 Zloty 414.13
2005Q2 Zloty 404.86
2005Q1 Zloty 391.18
2004Q4 Zloty 371.27
2004Q3 Zloty 354.38
2004Q2 Zloty 351.48
2004Q1 Zloty 340.65
2021YEAR Zloty 1985.02
2020YEAR Zloty 1822.38
2019YEAR Zloty 1565.22
2018YEAR Zloty 1445.74
2017YEAR Zloty 1324.37
2016YEAR Zloty 1265.47
2015YEAR Zloty 1154.99
2014YEAR Zloty 1059.02
2013YEAR Zloty 978.90
2012YEAR Zloty 921.41
2011YEAR Zloty 881.50
2010YEAR Zloty 783.65
2009YEAR Zloty 720.23
2008YEAR Zloty 666.23
2007YEAR Zloty 561.62
2006YEAR Zloty 495.31
2005YEAR Zloty 427.12
2004YEAR Zloty 371.27
Finance - Money supply: monetary base
(billion national currency units end of period)
Poland Period Currency Data Footnotes
2022MAR Zloty 466.20
2022FEB Zloty 466.14
2022JAN Zloty 420.60
2021DEC Zloty 463.08
2021NOV Zloty 423.11
2021OCT Zloty 403.23
2021SEP Zloty 434.61
2021AUG Zloty 413.05
2021JUL Zloty 422.21
2021JUN Zloty 427.85
2021MAY Zloty 422.96
2021APR Zloty 405.04
2021MAR Zloty 409.23
2021FEB Zloty 398.81
2021JAN Zloty 386.36
2020DEC Zloty 405.54
2020NOV Zloty 359.94
2020OCT Zloty 353.53
2020SEP Zloty 335.46
2020AUG Zloty 344.30
2020JUL Zloty 341.18
2020JUN Zloty 349.81
2020MAY Zloty 328.98
2020APR Zloty 337.72
2020MAR Zloty 341.66
2020FEB Zloty 277.57
2020JAN Zloty 292.80
2019DEC Zloty 311.48
2019NOV Zloty 270.90
2019OCT Zloty 292.05
2019SEP Zloty 292.84
2019AUG Zloty 264.56
2019JUL Zloty 281.93
2019JUN Zloty 264.44
2019MAY Zloty 278.30
2019APR Zloty 276.91
2019MAR Zloty 260.68
2019FEB Zloty 270.66
2019JAN Zloty 269.43
2018DEC Zloty 298.37
2018NOV Zloty 272.02
2018OCT Zloty 260.55
2018SEP Zloty 268.00
2018AUG Zloty 257.57
2018JUL Zloty 260.99
2018JUN Zloty 243.02
2018MAY Zloty 234.54
2018APR Zloty 253.16
2018MAR Zloty 243.05
2018FEB Zloty 247.60
2018JAN Zloty 246.33
2017DEC Zloty 240.71
2017NOV Zloty 242.40
2017OCT Zloty 237.32
2017SEP Zloty 239.47
2017AUG Zloty 235.54
2017JUL Zloty 247.42
2017JUN Zloty 236.76
2017MAY Zloty 229.79
2017APR Zloty 225.14
2017MAR Zloty 232.30
2017FEB Zloty 225.76
2017JAN Zloty 231.56
2016DEC Zloty 225.32
2016NOV Zloty 224.41
2016OCT Zloty 224.93
2016SEP Zloty 220.40
2016AUG Zloty 219.61
2016JUL Zloty 208.10
2016JUN Zloty 217.79
2016MAY Zloty 205.99
2016APR Zloty 204.56
2016MAR Zloty 207.55
2016FEB Zloty 213.81
2016JAN Zloty 204.67
2015DEC Zloty 215.04
2015NOV Zloty 205.51
2015OCT Zloty 183.03
2015SEP Zloty 187.18
2015AUG Zloty 203.91
2015JUL Zloty 191.70
2015JUN Zloty 198.70
2015MAY Zloty 178.03
2015APR Zloty 187.32
2015MAR Zloty 184.35
2015FEB Zloty 177.41
2015JAN Zloty 174.75
2014DEC Zloty 193.23
2014NOV Zloty 170.29
2014OCT Zloty 172.86
2014SEP Zloty 167.91
2014AUG Zloty 169.10
2014JUL Zloty 165.27
2014JUN Zloty 174.44
2014MAY Zloty 163.94
2014APR Zloty 170.29
2014MAR Zloty 175.25
2014FEB Zloty 160.94
2014JAN Zloty 163.17
2013DEC Zloty 166.64
2013NOV Zloty 155.45
2013OCT Zloty 157.41
2013SEP Zloty 168.20
2013AUG Zloty 155.31
2013JUL Zloty 157.71
2013JUN Zloty 145.73
2013MAY Zloty 152.40
2013APR Zloty 152.02
2013MAR Zloty 150.06
2013FEB Zloty 146.08
2013JAN Zloty 138.24
2012DEC Zloty 171.07
2012NOV Zloty 142.11
2012OCT Zloty 140.86
2012SEP Zloty 143.34
2012AUG Zloty 146.48
2012JUL Zloty 143.06
2012JUN Zloty 141.41
2012MAY Zloty 140.14
2012APR Zloty 156.40
2012MAR Zloty 138.12
2012FEB Zloty 137.88
2012JAN Zloty 139.42
2011DEC Zloty 139.41
2011NOV Zloty 137.38
2011OCT Zloty 146.71
2011SEP Zloty 149.03
2011AUG Zloty 138.45
2011JUL Zloty 127.08
2011JUN Zloty 131.19
2011MAY Zloty 130.09
2011APR Zloty 134.08
2011MAR Zloty 131.01
2011FEB Zloty 131.68
2011JAN Zloty 128.70
2010DEC Zloty 141.98
2010NOV Zloty 121.23
2010OCT Zloty 132.74
2010SEP Zloty 124.57
2010AUG Zloty 123.16
2010JUL Zloty 125.09
2010JUN Zloty 125.10
2010MAY Zloty 123.27
2010APR Zloty 120.40
2010MAR Zloty 116.13
2010FEB Zloty 116.05
2010JAN Zloty 119.07
2009DEC Zloty 139.30
2009NOV Zloty 127.73
2009OCT Zloty 120.74
2009SEP Zloty 120.11
2009AUG Zloty 121.13
2009JUL Zloty 127.53
2009JUN Zloty 127.33
2009MAY Zloty 128.47
2009APR Zloty 133.72
2009MAR Zloty 132.41
2009FEB Zloty 136.28
2009JAN Zloty 132.02
2008DEC Zloty 133.60
2008NOV Zloty 132.20
2008OCT Zloty 135.59
2008SEP Zloty 115.97
2008AUG Zloty 121.26
2008JUL Zloty 113.48
2008JUN Zloty 118.91
2008MAY Zloty 111.10
2008APR Zloty 108.70
2008MAR Zloty 106.43
2008FEB Zloty 103.10
2008JAN Zloty 105.95
2007DEC Zloty 107.06
2007NOV Zloty 113.39
2007OCT Zloty 100.82
2007SEP Zloty 99.00
2007AUG Zloty 99.39
2007JUL Zloty 103.12
2007JUN Zloty 97.27
2007MAY Zloty 95.21
2007APR Zloty 92.93
2007MAR Zloty 92.66
2007FEB Zloty 91.10
2007JAN Zloty 90.58
2006DEC Zloty 91.76
2006NOV Zloty 89.32
2006OCT Zloty 84.08
2006SEP Zloty 84.17
2006AUG Zloty 86.03
2006JUL Zloty 83.11
2006JUN Zloty 83.28
2006MAY Zloty 80.75
2006APR Zloty 81.21
2006MAR Zloty 76.31
2006FEB Zloty 75.44
2006JAN Zloty 73.60
2005DEC Zloty 74.53
2005NOV Zloty 76.63
2005OCT Zloty 74.05
2005SEP Zloty 73.44
2005AUG Zloty 76.43
2005JUL Zloty 73.41
2005JUN Zloty 72.27
2005MAY Zloty 73.13
2005APR Zloty 71.11
2005MAR Zloty 69.29
2005FEB Zloty 67.98
2005JAN Zloty 67.15
2004DEC Zloty 70.36
2004NOV Zloty 64.50
2004OCT Zloty 65.63
2004SEP Zloty 64.04
2004AUG Zloty 71.91
2004JUL Zloty 65.33
2004JUN Zloty 64.24
2004MAY Zloty 66.70
2004APR Zloty 64.21
2004MAR Zloty 63.34
2004FEB Zloty 64.39
2004JAN Zloty 59.16 708/
2003DEC Zloty 66.34
2003NOV Zloty 62.16
2003OCT Zloty 67.46
2003SEP Zloty 66.56
2003AUG Zloty 61.72
2003JUL Zloty 68.03
2003JUN Zloty 64.47
2003MAY Zloty 62.35
2003APR Zloty 62.07
2003MAR Zloty 60.19
2003FEB Zloty 59.16
2003JAN Zloty 58.74
2002DEC Zloty 62.07
2002NOV Zloty 57.36
2002OCT Zloty 59.22
2002SEP Zloty 57.47
2002AUG Zloty 56.94
2002JUL Zloty 56.82
2002JUN Zloty 62.81
2002MAY Zloty 50.96
2002APR Zloty 54.86
2002MAR Zloty 58.20
2002FEB Zloty 61.78
2002JAN Zloty 51.18
2001DEC Zloty 63.70
2022Q1 Zloty 466.20
2021Q4 Zloty 463.08
2021Q3 Zloty 434.61
2021Q2 Zloty 427.85
2021Q1 Zloty 409.23
2020Q4 Zloty 405.54
2020Q3 Zloty 335.46
2020Q2 Zloty 349.81
2020Q1 Zloty 341.66
2019Q4 Zloty 311.48
2019Q3 Zloty 292.84
2019Q2 Zloty 264.44
2019Q1 Zloty 260.68
2018Q4 Zloty 298.37
2018Q3 Zloty 268.00
2018Q2 Zloty 243.02
2018Q1 Zloty 243.05
2017Q4 Zloty 240.71
2017Q3 Zloty 239.47
2017Q2 Zloty 236.76
2017Q1 Zloty 232.30
2016Q4 Zloty 225.32
2016Q3 Zloty 220.40
2016Q2 Zloty 217.79
2016Q1 Zloty 207.55
2015Q4 Zloty 215.04
2015Q3 Zloty 187.18
2015Q2 Zloty 198.70
2015Q1 Zloty 184.35
2014Q4 Zloty 193.23
2014Q3 Zloty 167.91
2014Q2 Zloty 174.44
2014Q1 Zloty 175.25
2013Q4 Zloty 166.64
2013Q3 Zloty 168.20
2013Q2 Zloty 145.73
2013Q1 Zloty 150.06
2012Q4 Zloty 171.07
2012Q3 Zloty 143.34
2012Q2 Zloty 141.41
2012Q1 Zloty 138.12
2011Q4 Zloty 139.41
2011Q3 Zloty 149.03
2011Q2 Zloty 131.19
2011Q1 Zloty 131.01
2010Q4 Zloty 141.98
2010Q3 Zloty 124.57
2010Q2 Zloty 125.10
2010Q1 Zloty 116.13
2009Q4 Zloty 139.30
2009Q3 Zloty 120.11
2009Q2 Zloty 127.33
2009Q1 Zloty 132.41
2008Q4 Zloty 133.60
2008Q3 Zloty 115.97
2008Q2 Zloty 118.91
2008Q1 Zloty 106.43
2007Q4 Zloty 107.06
2007Q3 Zloty 99.00
2007Q2 Zloty 97.27
2007Q1 Zloty 92.66
2006Q4 Zloty 91.76
2006Q3 Zloty 84.17
2006Q2 Zloty 83.28
2006Q1 Zloty 76.31
2005Q4 Zloty 74.53
2005Q3 Zloty 73.44
2005Q2 Zloty 72.27
2005Q1 Zloty 69.29
2004Q4 Zloty 70.36
2004Q3 Zloty 64.04
2004Q2 Zloty 64.24
2004Q1 Zloty 63.34 708/
2003Q4 Zloty 66.34
2003Q3 Zloty 66.56
2003Q2 Zloty 64.47
2003Q1 Zloty 60.19
2002Q4 Zloty 62.07
2002Q3 Zloty 57.47
2002Q2 Zloty 62.81
2002Q1 Zloty 58.20
2001Q4 Zloty 63.70
2021YEAR Zloty 463.08
2020YEAR Zloty 405.54
2019YEAR Zloty 311.48
2018YEAR Zloty 298.37
2017YEAR Zloty 240.71
2016YEAR Zloty 225.32
2015YEAR Zloty 215.04
2014YEAR Zloty 193.23
2013YEAR Zloty 166.64
2012YEAR Zloty 171.07
2011YEAR Zloty 139.41
2010YEAR Zloty 141.98
2009YEAR Zloty 139.30
2008YEAR Zloty 133.60
2007YEAR Zloty 107.06
2006YEAR Zloty 91.76
2005YEAR Zloty 74.53
2004YEAR Zloty 70.36 708/
2003YEAR Zloty 66.34
2002YEAR Zloty 62.07
2001YEAR Zloty 63.70
708/ Marked break in series.

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