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Part I
  Survey Design, Implementation and Analysis
Sect. A: Survey Design and Implementation
Sect. B: Sample Design
Sect. C: Non-Sampling Errors
Sect. D: Survey Costs
Sect. E: Analysis of Survey Data
Part II
  Case Studies
Annex to Chapter XXI
Contact us

March 2005

Household Sample Surveys in Developing
and Transition Countries

Section E: Analysis of Survey Data

(G. Kalton) (129KB)

Chapter XV: A guide for data management for household surveys (J. Munoz) (771KB)

Chapter XVI: Presenting simple descriptive statistics from household survey data (P. Glewwe/M. Levin) (234KB)

Chapter XVII: Using multi-topic household surveys to improve poverty reduction policies in developing countries (P. Glewwe) (193KB)

Chapter XVIII: Multivariate methods for index construction (S. Abeyasekera) (217KB)

Chapter XIX: Statistical analysis of survey data (J. Chromy/S. Abeyasekera) (251KB)

Chapter XX: More advanced approaches to the analysis of survey data (G. Nathan) (399KB)

Chapter XXI: Sampling error estimation for survey data (D. Brogan) (174KB)