Workshop on CountryData – SDMX for Development Indicators

Nairobi, Kenya, 25 - 29 November 2013

This workshop will provide hands-on practical training to participants in using technologies for data exchange and dissemination with the international level; specifically with CountryData ( for the dissemination of national development indicators. In the workshop, Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) is used as the preferred standard for allowing National Statistical Offices (NSOs) to automate and standardize data and metadata exchange so that data are more timely and can be updated easily. A focus of the workshop is the process of mapping and exchanging indicators with SDMX through the features added to DevInfo 7 ( as well as a demonstration of more advanced software like SDMX-RI developed by EuroStat.

This workshop builds on previous workshops conducted in the region and internationally in the area of national development indicators and incorporates the third in a series of four international workshops planned as part of the UNSD-DFID Project on “Improving the collation, availability and dissemination of national development indicators, including MDGs”.

Documents for the meeting:
Provisional Work Programme
General Information
List of Participants
Further Reference Material:
Workshop on CountryData - Technologies for Data Exchange
Workshop on CountryData - Sharing Best Practice
CountryData Newsletter Issue 2 (March 2014)

For comments or inquiries contact:

Mr. Ian Rutherford
UN Statistics Division
2 UN Plaza,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: +1-212-963-4965