29.27.    Monthly merchandise trade series are seasonally adjusted using factors that are produced once a year during an annual revision cycle.  Factors are produced for each month of the coming 12-month period, and are revised for the previous three years.  The X-13ARIMA-SEATS program is used to analyse data series and generate the seasonal adjustment factors.   Data are aggregated into 269 total import and export five-digit end-use commodity groupings which are examined for trading-day variation and seasonality.  The end-use commodity classification system combines data into broad categories based on principal uses of the commodities; utilization of the system ensures methodological consistency with quarterly adjusted balance-of-payments data.  Seasonal factors are generated for those groups that show significant predictable seasonality.  The factors are used to adjust the data in the most detailed end-use categories.  These detailed adjusted data are then summed to the one-digit end-use level for release with the monthly merchandise trade totals. 

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