29.7.        Seasonal adjustment begins with a preliminary process of identifying and removing outliers, adjusting for those calendar effects that are not stable in annual timing, and identifying an appropriate decomposition type. 

29.8.         Graphical analysis. Preliminary treatment of the data should begin with a graphical analysis of the series in order to identify potential problems with the data, select appropriate parameters, and determine how to perform the seasonal adjustment. Relevant preliminary graphical analysis should examine the length of the series, the presence of strange values, the structure of the series, the presence of possible breaks in seasonality, and the decompositions scheme. 

29.9.        Outliers. Since most seasonal adjustment methods use procedures and filters that are sensitive to outliers, these should be identified and removed before estimating the seasonal components. Outliers clearly due to errors in the data should be discarded. However, since outliers not due to error typically contain information about key events, these should be reintroduced into the data after seasonal adjustment. 

29.10.    Calendar effects. Calendar effects are regular effects that do not necessarily occur in the same month or quarter each year but that can be identified and removed from the series. These effects include holidays whose exact timing shifts systematically each calendar year and the variation in the number of times each day of the week occurs in a given month or quarter. These effects must be corrected for using standard seasonal adjustment tools, so as to prefent mis-specification of the model or a compromising of the overall quality of seasonal adjustment. The decision to correct for other effects, such as temperature, school holidays or bridge holidays, should be made on a case-by-case basis. 

29.11.    Decomposition. The decomposition scheme specifies how the trend-cycle, seasonal and irregular components combine to form the original series. Additive decomposition assumes that the components of the time series behave independently of each other. In particular, the size of the seasonal oscillations is independent of the level of the series. Multiplicative decomposition, often chosen by default in seasonal adjustment software packages, assumes that the components of the series are interdependent and thus that the size of the seasonal variation increases and decreases with the level of the series.