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World Statistics Day in the Netherlands
Date: 2010/10/20
Country profile
Documents on official statistics
Burden minimisation
CBS Marketing Strategies
Central Commission for Statistics
Changing Statistics Netherlands - Driving Forces for Changing Dutch Statistics
Code of Practice
Data in the Polder
EDI: The Electronic Matchmaker - electrifying opportunities to marry the worlds of business accounting practices and statistical systems
General Introduction to Edisent - A Step towards lowering the Administrative Burden
How are we doing? Performance indicators for national statistical systems
Law of 18 April 1996 establishing the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Central Commission for Statistics
Quality systems and statistical auditing - A pragmatic approach to statistical quality management
Ranking: right or wrong? Some problems in comparing national statistical offices and systems
Restructuring the Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS)
Some Thoughts About a Metadata Management System
Statistics and science; some of the issues
Statistics Netherlands Act
Statistics Netherlands Code of Practice
Statistics Netherlands in an international perspective (rev 1)
Statistics that count
Statistics, Secrets and Sentiments - a brief review of the long and complex history of how in The Netherlands statistical microdata finally became officially available for external research purposes
The Dutch virtual census
The Microlab: micro-data revived
The Organization of Official Statistics in Europe
The Teler Project, A short description
Towards a balance between supply and demand - Statistics Netherlands publication policy in the pipeline
Towards a new Statistics Netherlands blueprint for a process-oriented organisation structure