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Law of 18 April 1996 establishing the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Central Commission for Statistics

Law of 18 April 1996 establishing the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Central Commission for Statistics

CBSLAW.PCP Staatsblad 1996 258

Law of 18 April 1996 establishing the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Central Commission for Statistics (Act governing the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Central Commission for Statistics)

We, Beatrix, by the grace of God, Queen of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau, etc., etc., etc.

To all who shall see or hear these presents, greeting! Be it known:

Whereas We have considered that it is desirable to enact rules concerning the establishment of the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Central Commission for Statistics, and on the acquisition, use and dissemination of data in the context of the provision of statistical information;
We therefore, having heard the Council of State, and in consultation with the States General, have approved and decreed as We hereby approve and decree:


Article 1

In this Law:
a. 'Our Minister' means Our Minister for Economic Affairs;
b. 'CBS' means the Central Bureau of Statistics;
c. 'Commission' means the Central Commission for Statistics.
d. 'Director-General' means the Director General of Statistics


1. Establishment and responsibilities

Article 2

There is a Central Bureau of Statistics, which falls under the responsibility of Our Minister.

Article 3

The CBS is responsible for carrying out statistical research for practical, policy and research purposes and for publishing statistics compiled on the basis of such research.

2. Management

Article 4

1. The head of the CBS shall be a director-general with the title Director-General of Statistics.
2. If the position of director-general or of his deputy should become vacant, the Commission shall make a recommendation to Our Minister regarding the filling of this vacancy.

3. Multi-annual programme and programme of work

Article 5

1. The director-general shall prepare a multi-annual programme at least once every four years.
2. The multi-annual programme shall lay down the broad outline of the activities the CBS will be carrying out in the coming years.

Article 6

1. Before 1 November of each year, the director-general shall prepare a programme of work for the next calendar year but one. He may alter the programme of work in the interim.
2. The programme of work shall lay down which activities the CBS will be carrying out in a given year, as far as the available resources allow.

Article 7

1. The director-general shall submit the multi-annual programme, the programme of work and any changes to the programme of work to the Commission for approval.
2. After approval by the Commission, the director-general shall make the multi-annual programme, the programme of work and any changes to the programme of work available for inspection at the CBS during the period for which they apply. He shall give notification of this in the Netherlands Government Gazette.

Article 8

The director-general shall decide on the methods with which the research contained in the multi-annual programme and the programme of work will be carried out, and the manner in which the results of this research will be published. Our Minister shall not give him instructions in this respect.

4. Collection of data

Article 9

1. The CBS is authorised to use, for statistical purposes, data from the records of State institutions and agencies. The CBS shall exercise this authority in accordance with Our Minister under whose responsibility the records in question fall.
2. The CBS shall be entitled to include the social security and fiscal number, as referred to in Section 47b(3) of the Law on State Tax, in personal data files and use it for statistical purposes. The CBS shall be entitled to use this social security and fiscal number in contacts with persons and official bodies to the extent that they themselves are authorised to use the number in a personal data file.

Article 10

1. Subject to the proper performance of the responsibilities referred to in Article 3, the CBS shall ensure that the collection of data is carried out in such a way that the administrative burden on enterprises and institutions is reduced to a minimum.
2. In its assessment of the programme of work referred to in Article 6 the Commission shall ensure that the CBS complies with the provisions of the preceding subsection.

5. Use of data; confidentiality

Article 11

1. The data received by the CBS in connection with the performance of its responsibilities shall be used solely for statistical purposes.
2. The data referred to in subsection 1 shall not be furnished to other persons than those charged with carrying out the responsibilities of the CBS.
3. The data referred to in subsection 1 shall only be published in such a way that no recognisable data can be derived from them about a particular person, enterprise or institution, or a particular household, unless there is good reason to believe that the parties concerned have no objections to such publication.
4. Contrary to subsections 1 and 2 above, data may be furnished to a public prosecutor or an assistant public prosecutor for the purpose of enforcing this Article.
5. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections 1 to 4 above, the provisions of Articles 4 and 5 of the Law of 28 December 1936, concerning measures to obtain accurate economic statistics (Netherlands Bulletin of Acts, Orders and Decrees 639 DD), shall remain in full force and effect.

6. Dissemination of data

Article 12

Contrary to the provisions of Article 11, the CBS shall furnish data to an agency or institution established or founded by or pursuant to the Treaty Establishing the European Community, in so far as there is an obligation to do so pursuant to a regulation, directive or decision passed under that Treaty.

Article 13

1. Contrary to the provisions of subsections 1 and 2 of Article 11, the CBS may, if so requested, furnish a set of data to an agency, organisation or institution as referred to in subsection 2 of this Article, for the purpose of statistical or academic research, provided appropriate measures have been taken to prevent the recognition of particular persons, households, enterprises or institutions.
2. A set of data as referred to in the preceding subsection may be furnished to:
a. a university within the meaning of the Law on Higher Education and Research Act;
b. an organisation or institution for academic research established by law;
c. the Central Planning Office and the Social and Cultural Planning Office;
d. the Statistical Office of the European Communities;
e. other agencies, organisations and institutions, in so far as the authorisation of the Commission has been obtained.

Article 14

The CBS shall grant a request to furnish data as referred to in Article 13 only if the applicant has, in the opinion of the CBS, taken sufficient measures to ensure that the data to be furnished will not be used for purposes other than statistical or academic research.

7. Work for third parties

Article 15

The CBS may occasionally carry out work for third parties. Our Minister shall insure that the work referred to in the first sentence does not lead to unfair competition with private sector providers of comparable services.


1. Establishment, responsibilities and powers

Article 16

There is a Central Commission for Statistics.

Article 17

The Commission is responsible for:
a. promoting co-ordination of the provision of statistical information by the government;
b. promoting the accuracy and completeness of statistics published by the government.

Article 18

1. The Commission shall instruct the director-general to carry out statistical research and to publish the statistics compiled on the basis of such research, either of its own accord or at the request of Our Minister. The director-general is required to carry out the Commission's instructions.
2. The director-general may appeal to Our Minister against an assignment given by the Commission of its own accord.

Article 19

With the exception of urgent cases, one of Our Ministers will only initiate new statistical research or modify ongoing research after the Commission has been heard.

2. Composition

Article 20

1. The Commission shall consist of a Chair and an even number of no fewer than six and no more than ten other members.
2. The secretary of the Commission, who shall also be an advisory member, shall be an officer of the CBS designated by the director-general.

3. Appointment, term of office and dismissal

Article 21

1. The chairman and the other members of the Commission shall be appointed and dismissed by royal decree. One member shall be designated deputy chairman by royal decree.
2. Our Minister shall nominate members for appointment after a recommendation to that effect by the Commission.

Article 22

1. The members shall be appointed for a period of four years. Except in special cases, they may be reappointed only once.
2. Where membership is terminated prematurely, the member appointed to fill the vacant place shall retire at the time the person in whose place he was appointed should have retired. He may immediately be reappointed.

4. Method of work

Article 23

1. The Commission shall adopt rules, which, like any amendments to them, require the approval of Our Minister.
2. The Commission shall meet at least twice a year.

Article 24

For the purpose of carrying out its responsibilities the Commission may directly approach third parties to obtain the information it requires.

Article 25

The Commission may delegate the preparation of certain decisions, or decisions in certain areas, to a sub-committee consisting of members of the Commission or non-members, or to the director-general.

Article 26

In urgent cases, the chairman of the Commission may exercise the power of the Commission referred to in subsection 1 of Article 7, if it concerns a change in the programme of work, and the powers referred to in articles 18 and 19.

Article 27

1. Documents issued by or in the name of the Commission shall be signed by the chairman and the secretary.
2. The secretary is accountable only to the Commission for the performance of his responsibilities.

Article 28

Decisions of the Commission shall be taken in accordance with the position adopted by the majority of the members.

Article 29

At the request of Our Minister, the Commission shall furnish the information necessary for the performance of his responsibilities. Our Minister may require to be allowed to inspect non-personal data and documents to the extent reasonably considered necessary for the performance of his responsibilities.


Article 30

1. Each year before 1 March the director-general shall submit a budget of the income and expenditure of the CBS for the next calendar year to Our Minister. The Commission shall receive a copy of the budget.
2. Each year before 1 March the Commission shall submit a budget of its expenditure for the next calendar year to Our Minister.

Article 31

1. Each year before 1 May the director-general shall send the Commission a report of the activities of the CBS in the preceding calendar year. The report shall also give an insight into the administrative burden placed on enterprises and institutions as a result of the data collection by the CBS, and into the provisions the CBS has made pursuant to article 10, and into the reduction of the administrative burden.
2. Each year before 1 June the Commission shall send Our Minister a report of its activities in the preceding calendar year, enclosing the report of the activities of the CBS referred to in the preceding subsection.
3. The reports referred to in subsections 1 and 2 above shall be made available for inspection at the CBS after the date mentioned in subsection 2 above, for a period of eight weeks. The director-general shall give notification of this in the Netherlands Government Gazette.
4. Our Minister shall send a copy of the reports referred to in subsections 1 and 2 above to the Lower House of the States General without delay.

Article 32

The Commission shall submit a report to Our Minister once every six years, in which the Commission's performance of its responsibilities shall be subjected to scrutiny and in which proposals may be made for desired changes.


Article 33

On the first occasion on which members of the Commission are appointed after this Act has entered into force, Our Minister shall nominate its members without a recommendation by the Commission.

Article 34

The Royal Decree of 9 January 1899 concerning the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Central Commission for Statistics is repealed.

Article 35

This Law comes into force with effect from the first day of the second calendar month after the date of publication of the Netherlands Government Gazette in which it is promulgated.

Article 36

This Act may be referred to as: Law on the Central Bureau of Statistics and Central Commission for Statistics.

We order and command that this Law shall be published in the Netherlands Government and that all ministries, authorities, bodies and officials whom it may concern shall diligently implement it.

The Hague, 18 April 1996

The Minister for Economic Affairs,
G.J. Wijers

Published 14 May 1996

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