TA 5. Building trust in data and statistics

(TA5.07) Citizen-generated data: methodology, scale, and confidence in using CGD to measure the SDGs

Dewa Hall October 22, 2018 10:30 am - 11:45 am

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Jenna Slotin
Rebecca Firth
Omar Seidu
Zachary Mwangi
Danny Lämmerhirt

As part of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, 25 organisations working in Citizen Generated Data (CGD) have created a Working Group to address the barriers preventing CGD from being widely accepted by traditional data users in monitoring the SDGs. The group is working towards 3 key objectives:

  • Identifying promising examples of CGD approaches / methodologies to categorise and share with international community
  • Identifying CGD initiatives that can (or could) provide robust data at scale to support implementation and monitoring of the SDGs
  • Recommendations for ensuring quality, relevance and added value of citizen generated data, and documentation of key benefits of citizen generated data

Based on extensive research of global CGD projects, in this session, we will share examples of CGD working at scale, and examples of robust and proven methodologies which ensure confidence in data quality. We will demonstrate how CGD is one of the greatest opportunities to close data gaps for countries struggling to measure the SDGs, and can be readily applied across sectors. We will cover:

i) An expanded definition of CGD and an overview of distinction criteria for CGD projects (typology),

ii) Case studies exemplifying some scalable, robust data CGD methods,

iii) A discussion of the robustness of different CGD methods,

iv) A presentation of CGD for monitoring and implementing SDG targets across government at all scales, drawing on existing use cases and documented benefits.

v) Examples from National Statistical offices in Kenya and Ghana