The Evolution of National Statistical Systems - Trends and Implications |
Dennis Trewin, former Australian Statistician, Australian Bureau of Statistics  |
Powerpoint presentation  |
Discussant paper : |
Pali Lehohla, Statistics South Africa 
Hermann Habermann, former Deputy Director, US Census Bureau  |
Redesigning National Statistical Systems: Driving Forces and Response |
Karen Dunnell, National Statistician and Registrar General,
Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom |
Presentation:  |
Gosse van der Veen, Director General, Statistics Netherlands |
Presentation:  |
Mr. Gilberto Calvillo-Vives, President, INEGI Mexico |
Masahiro Horie, Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan |
Presentation:  |
Prospects and Risks for the Future: How to Manage Uncertainties? |
Eduardo Pereira Nunes – President of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE - Brazil |
Presentation:  |
Heli Jeskanen-Sundstrom, Director General, Statistics Finland |
Presentation:  |
Romulo Virola, Office of the Secretary General
National Statistical Coordination Board - Philippines |
Presentation:  |
Hans Rosling, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden |
Australia |
Australian Bureau of Statistics |
Austria |
Statistics Austria |
Albania |
Institute of Statistics |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovine |
Burkina Faso |
Institute National de la Statistique et de la Demographie |
Cambodia |
National Institute of Statistics |
Presentation 1:  |
Presentation 2:  |
Cameroon |
National Institute of Statistics |
English |
French |
Colombia |
Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística |
Cuba |
Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas |
Czech Republic |
Czech Statistical Office |
Egypt |
Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics |
Finland |
Statistics Finland |
Gabon |
Direction Generale de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques |
Hungary |
Hungarian Central Statistical Office |
Iraq |
Central Organization for Statistics And Information Technology |
Presentation 1:
Presentation 2: |
Israel |
Central Bureau of Statistics |
Korea, Republic of |
National Statistical Office |
Kuwait |
Ministry of Planning |
Lebanon |
Central Administration for Statistics |
Lithuania |
Statistics Lithuania |
Malawi |
National Statistical Office |
Norway |
Statistics Norway |
Panama |
Dirección de Estadística y Censo – Contraloría General de la República de Panamá |
Poland |
Central Statistical Office of Poland |
Romania |
National Institute of Statistics |
Slovenia |
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia |
Spain |
National Statistical Institute of Spain |
Sri Lanka |
Department of Census and Statistics |
Suriname |
General Bureau of Statistics |
Sweden |
Statistics Sweden |
Switzerland |
Swiss Federal Statistical Office |
Uganda |
Uganda Bureau of Statistics |
United States |
United States Office of Management and Budget,
Executive Office of the President |
Indonesia |
Statistical System in Indonesia: Challenges and Prospects |
Lao People's Democratic Republic |
The Statistical system of Lao PDR-the present situation and challenges in the years ahead |
Malaysia |
Organizational transformation of the Department of Statistics, Malaysia: implications for the future |
Mongolia |
Statistical systems ⁄ Administration and management of statistical organizations in Mongolia |
Myanmar |
The National Statistical System of Myanmar |
New Zealand |
National Statistical System Initiatives |
Japan |
A New Direction in the Reform of the Statistical System in Japan |
Republic of Korea |
The National Policy Indicator System (of the) Republic of Korea |
Czech Republic |
Redesign of the statistical survey system in the Czech Republic |