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1993 SNA Update Information - AEG recommendations for issue:
Valuation of water

Issue description
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When water is no longer free, how should the charge for it be treated? Although a large share of the charges represents distribution costs, is there an element that should be treated as giving rise to rent in a similar way to land or mineral resources? How should the use of water as a sink for waste be treated?
AEG recommendations
Number of AEG recommendations for selected issue:2
  Corresponding meetingDate postedRecommendation
 Jan-Feb 20064/7/2006The AEG members participating in the e-discussion overwhelmingly supported all proposed recommendations.
 July 20059/12/2005Proposals (a) to (e) were overwhelmingly agreed in the e-discussion.
Proposal (f) could have implications for the proposed CPC classification of distribution of water (as a service). The SNA editor agreed to discuss the implications with classification experts and report back to the next AEG meeting.
Proposal (g) in the e-discussion was supported but some reservations were expressed by the AEG and they will be investigated further.
An update on the situation following the next Canberra II Group meeting will be presented to the next AEG meeting.
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