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1993 SNA Update Information - Military expenditures

Issue description
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The 1993 SNA divides military acquisitions into offensive weapons and their means of delivery, and all other. The former are excluded from capital formation regardless of their life length. This treatment implies that “defence” is not a service provided by government using military hardware as associated assets. Further, weapons that have already been expensed can actually be taken out of stock for use or for exports and would have to be balanced by a negative component in government final consumption. Should the line between gross capital formation and intermediate consumption be drawn differently?
Corresponding papers (Click on icon to see document in either pdf or word format)
AEG papers:Posted on 4/30/2004Click here to see pdf documentClick here to see word documentCanberra II Group’s recommendations to treat military weapon systems as fixed assets - revised
 Posted on 4/28/2004Click here to see pdf documentClick here to see word documentCanberra II Group’s recommendations to treat military weapon systems as fixed assets
AEG summaries:Posted on 5/28/2004Click here to see pdf documentClick here to see word documentDecision of the AEG on the classification of military weapon systems as fixed assets - outcome of the consultation
 Posted on 4/27/2004Click here to see pdf documentClick here to see word documentDecision of the AEG on the classification of military weapon systems as fixed assets
Number of AEG recommendations:2
Number of country comments:50
Number of expert comments:3
Corresponding AEG Meetings
The issue was discussed at the following meetings:
February 2004
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