10/10/2006 | Sweden | Agreement with proposal |
9/29/2006 | Bank of Korea | We think that the contents of the paper are appropriate and that it is better to deal with goods for processing and multiterritory enterprises to illustrate the accounting challenges stemming from globalization. |
9/28/2006 | New Zealand | We agree with the recommendations made by the AEG |
9/15/2006 | United Kingdom | We agree with all the recommendations made by the AEG. |
9/15/2006 | Latvia | After deep discussions and expert consultations we basically support the
1993 SNA Update Issues. |
9/14/2006 | Bank of Lithuania | We agree with the AEG recomendations. |
7/28/2006 | Vietnam | We thought that Associates, subsidiaries and parent corporations are separate institutional units, however, there is a exception that is the ancillary corporation, which is a subsidiary corporation that is controlled and owned by a parent corporation, or a group of corporation under common ownership. Their productive activities are strictly confined to providing services to the owner. |
7/27/2006 | Egypt | We agree with the recommendation concerning the treatment of such enterprises. The method of prorating should only be used when direct methods are not possible. |
1/3/2006 | Singapore | We support the pro-rating of multi-territory enterprises and enterprises in joint sovereignty zones. A range of possible criteria for pro-rating is preferred, as it renders more flexibility for countries in their allocation. |
12/22/2005 | Serbia and Montenegro | We agree with the suggested changes. |
12/19/2005 | Kenya | Agreed |
12/14/2005 | France | L'INSEE soutient la recommandation consistant à éclater les entreprises exercent leur activité sur plusieurs territoires. Il note toutefois que le groupe ne se prononce pas sur le critère à retenir pour procéder à cet éclatement. |
12/13/2005 | Canada | Canada agrees with the recommendation of pro-rating multi-territory enterprises which operate as one legal entity in more than one jurisdiction. While this is not an issue for Canada at the national level, a big feature of the Canadian SNA is its regional accounting system. This issue arises frequently in regional accounting and allocation variables such as sales, wages, and employment are used. |
12/12/2005 | Bank of Korea | We are in agreement with the recommendations of AEG. We agree with the prorating of multi-territory enterprises and enterprises in joint sovereignty zones. We agree that any single criterion for allocation, such as equity, sovereignty, or tonnages can not cover all of the cases. |
12/9/2005 | Russia | Rosstat largely supports the recommendations on the updating 1993 SNA, made at the July 2005 meeting of the Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts. |
12/6/2005 | Central Bank of Norway | The Central Bank of Norway agrees with the AEG recommendation (a) |
12/5/2005 | Denmark | Agree The method of prorating should only be used when more direct methods are not possible. |
12/2/2005 | Netherlands | We generally support the recommendations of the AEG.
12/2/2005 | Australia | Australia does not support the inclusion of multi-territory enterprises in the international standards as there is no evidence of their existence. While many companies coordinate activities and even more enter into complex arrangements such as dual listings and the issue of stapled securities in order to appear highly integrated, in every case it has been possible to follow the normal SNA/BPM process of identifying institutional units, determining their residence and allocating them to institutional sectors and industries. These companies are incorporated in a particular country and have branches and subsidiaries in other countries in the same way as many other companies. Australia agrees with the AEG recommendation to pro-rate the activity of enterprises operating in joint jurisdiction zones such as the Joint Petroleum Development Area between Australia and East Timor, effectively creating separate units in the economic territories of each country sharing the zone. |
12/2/2005 | Turkey | We agree with the recommendations made at the July 2005 meeting of the Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts. |
12/1/2005 | Germany | • We support the recommendation especially that units operating in zones of joint sovereignty or jurisdiction should be split between the different countries. • More guidelines are necessary in the question of splitting these multi-territory enterprises. Therefore we fully agree that it is necessary to have a task force concerning this topic. • Note: Is the treatment of cross border building activities concerned? |
12/1/2005 | Norway | We agree with the AEG's recommendations |
12/1/2005 | Brazil | We agree with the prorating procedure. In the Brazilian SNA we adopt this option. Brazil and Paraguay has a common hydroelectric power in the Parana river and the treatment is prorating fifty/fifty all the variables in same proportion of each country share. |
12/1/2005 | Mozambique | We are pleased to express our agreement on the AEG recommendations. |
12/1/2005 | Israel | We agree with the recommendations of the AEG on this issue, but think that clarifications on the basis for pro-rating should be given. |
12/1/2005 | United Kingdom | We agree with the AEG decision on the prorating of multi-territory enterprises and enterprises in joint sovereignty and joint jurisdiction zones. We recognise that identifying the criteria for prorating is very difficult and perhaps no single set of criteria could cover all cases. We would though like to see the SNA recommending that the agreed prorating criteria were set out in each case. |
11/30/2005 | Slovak Republic | SO SR give support to AEG recommendation related to ongoing effort for clarification of issue. |
11/30/2005 | Finland | We strongly support further research into the broader question of treatment of multi-territory and also multinational enterprises in SNA and BOP. In general there should be more explicit guidelines on treatment of global enterprises (e.g. so called European companies - Societas Europaea) not only in Balance of Payments manual but in SNA as well. |
11/30/2005 | Italy | Istat fully agrees with the recommendations made at the July 2005 meeting of the Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts.
11/30/2005 | National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia | We agree with the recommendations made at the December 2004 meeting of the AEG. |
11/30/2005 | State Bank of Pakistan | We have gone through recommendations made by Advisory Expert Group (AEG) and fully agree with them.
11/30/2005 | State Bank of Vietnam | We agree with recommendation as the following: For these entities, principles should be formulated to treat them as separate institutional units. Similarly, with the appearance of multi- territory enterprises that operate as a single legal entity in more than one territory should be allocated by using prorate splitting. Principles of recognizing these ancillary units as separator institutional units and these units should be taken into account different residency and the institutional sector. |
11/29/2005 | Tadjikistan | Мы согласны с тем. что вспомогательные корпорации и ЕСН можно рассматривать как отдельные институциональные единицы, если их резидентство и отнесение к институциональному сектору иные, чем у компании-владельца. На самом деле, подобная ситуация предусмотрена в СНС в отношении зарубежных отделений корпораций, банков или подразделений предприятий, предоставляющих нерыночные услуги своим работникам. |
11/29/2005 | National Bank of Kazakhstan | On our view a range of possible criteria of prorating of multiterritory enterprises should be adopted covering their different cases. In the case of joint sovereignty zones they should be described in the new guide. In the both cases the manuals should indicate on necessity of collaboration of statisticians of country partners. |
11/29/2005 | People's Bank of China | I agree with your improvements and have no other suggestions. |
11/25/2005 | Vietnam | We agree with recommendation as the following: For these entities, principles should be formulated to treat them as separate institutional units. Similarly, with the appearance of multi- territory enterprises that operate as a single legal entity in more than one territory should be allocated by using prorate splitting. Principles of recognizing these ancillary units as separator institutional units and these units should be taken into account different residency and the institutional sector. |
11/21/2005 | USA | We agree with the AEG’s recommendation to pro-rate multi-territory enterprises. |
6/30/2005 | Slovak Republic | We agree with AEG recommendations in issues of treatment of multi-territory enterprises, holding companies and special purpose entities as well as with criteria for recognition of branches. |
6/30/2005 | Serbia and Montenegro | We agree with the recommendations made at the December 2004 meeting of the AEG. |
6/3/2005 | Central Bank of Venezuela | When multi-territory enterprises carry on substantial operations in two or more territories and no branches can be identified, we agree with applying the BOPM principles, but this should extend to all economic activity (rather than limiting it to enterprises that operate with a mobile team). We also agree that the manual should explicitly indicate the practical complexities of implementing this recommendation. For joint sovereignty zones, we agree with the idea of making reference [to them] in the statistical manuals. We support the idea that the manuals indicate the need for cooperation among the compilers in the territories involved. |
5/19/2005 | Bank of Indonesia | BI agrees to harmonize the treatment of multi-territory enterprises will be stated in the SNA and in the BOPM 5th edition. |
5/19/2005 | Swiss National Bank | For the treatment of multiterritory enterprises for which no branches are identified the proposal to apply general principles of BPM5 to allocate transactions and stocks seems plausible. Considering the lack of experience with multiterritory enterprises, more experience and research is needed to be able to give practical guidance for the implementation of general principles. |
5/18/2005 | Central Bank of Chile | We agree that the treatment of multi-territory enterprises should be extended to all economic activities, to the extent possible making explicit the distribution indicator for production aggregates. |
5/16/2005 | Croatian National Bank | The Croatian National Bank agrees with the AEG recommendations and strongly supports further efforts related to the proper treatment of multi-territory enterprises in SNA and BOP. Speaking of the treatment of those enterprises, we agree with the first BPM5 option, which states that "all of the corporation's transactions may be allocated to the countries of registry in proportion to the amounts of financial capital that the countries have contributed or in proportion to their shares in the equity of the corporation". |
5/16/2005 | Jordan | DOS agree with all AEG recommendations related to this issue that the treatment of multi-territory enterprises in BPM5 should be extended to all kinds of activities, when formal separation is not possible. In addition DOS agree with the AEG that the units operating in zones of joint sovereignty or jurisdiction should be split between the different counties. This splitting necessitate more detailed guidelines which can be established through a committee or a taskforce. |
5/16/2005 | Eastern Caribbean Central Bank | We agree with the recommendation that the treatment of multi-territory enterprises in BPM5 should be extended to all kinds of activities, when formal separation is not possible. Units operating in zones of joint sovereignty or jurisdiction should be split between these in ways that still need to be specified. And that, the broader question of multinational enterprises should be addressed by a task force, taking account of IASB recommendations and work in hand for the next ISI meeting. |
5/13/2005 | State Bank of Pakistan | Worked examples for splitting of units should be included to ensure the data consistency among territories and to avoid gaps. |
5/13/2005 | National Bank of Kazakhstan | In our opinion the treatment of multi-territory enterprises can be extended to all kinds of economic activities, when formal separation is not possible. Units operating in zones of joint sovereignty or jurisdiction require recommendations on identification of such units and examples. |
5/12/2005 | European Central Bank | ECB supports the conclusions. |
5/10/2005 | USA | The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis endorses the recommendations made by the AEG. |
5/10/2005 | National Bank of Moldova | The proposed treatment of multi-territory enterprises is consistent with balance of payments concepts. The further studies on the treatment of multi-territorial enterprise are required due to growing globalization. |
5/9/2005 | Australia | Australia agrees with the AEG recommendations. However, the ABS notes that most groups that appear to be multi-territory enterprises are in fact made up of discrete corporations or quasi-corporations resident in single economic territories. The ABS believes that genuine multi-territory enterprises, if they exist at all, are extremely rare.
5/9/2005 | Maldives | Multi-territory enterprise has become widespread with globalization and liberalization of investments. Many big enterprise sets up business in a country under one legal entity and the operation is generally managed by the parent enterprise. In many cases the enterprise in the second country does not have the complete books as much financial information is not available in the enterprise in the second country. This is very much the practice in the Maldives. We wish to agree with the agreement that further study should be made, particularly in treatment and recording of their transactions. |
5/9/2005 | United Kingdom | We agree with the recommendation that the treatment of multi-territory enterprises in BPM5 should be extended to all kinds of activities, when formal separation is not possible. Units operating in zones of joint sovereignty or jurisdiction should be split between these in ways that still need to be specified. And that, the broader question of multinational enterprises should be addressed by a task force, taking account of IASB recommendations and work in hand for the next ISI meeting. |
5/9/2005 | Central Bank of Iran | We agree with the recommendations made by the AEG. |
5/6/2005 | Turkey | We agree with the recommendations made by the Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts at its second meeting in December 2004. |
5/6/2005 | Commonwealth of Independent States | We agree that ancillary corporations and SPE can be treated as a separate institutional unit when it has different residency and institutional sector than the owner. In fact, similar situation is envisaged in the SNA in respect of foreign divisions of corporations, banks or divisions of enterprises providing non-market services to employees. |
5/6/2005 | Finland | Statistics Finland strongly supports further research into the broader question of treatment of multinational enterprises in SNA and BOP. Recommendations of the AEG are a good starting point. In general there should be more guidelines on treatment of global enterprises (e.g. so called European companies) not only in Balance of Payments manual but in SNA as well.
5/6/2005 | Macao, SAR China | We agree with the recommendations. |
5/5/2005 | Sweden | Statistics Sweden supports the recommendations of the AEG. With the appearance of multi-territory enterprises that operate as a single legal entity in more than one territory, principles have to be adopted whether to allocate the unit to the predominant territory or use pro rata splitting. We would also like to add the possible impact on FISIM calculations (and thus on GDP) in the special case of multi-territorial enterprise being a (monetary) financial institution. |
5/4/2005 | Denmark | Statistics Denmark agrees, that in certain cases it should be possible to allocate the transactions of a multi-territory enterprise to the participating countries according to a simple rule e.g. in proportion to the share of each country in the equity. However, as the Scandinavian experiences in connection with the airline company Scandinavian Airline Systems shows, this approach is not uncomplicated, so the method should only be used when more direct methods are not possible. |
4/29/2005 | Norway | Statistics Norway supports the views of the AEG. |
4/29/2005 | Central Bank of Colombia | Respecto al tema de empresas multiterritoriales, el Banco de la República de Colombia esta de acuerdo con la adopción de los conceptos sugeridos y consideramos que junto con la cooperación bilateral permitan mejorar las estadísticas y facilitar la comparación entre países. |
4/28/2005 | Trinidad and Tobago | We agree with the recommendations of the AEG. |
4/25/2005 | Bank of Sierra Leone | With reference to the above subject we agree with the recommendations of the Expert Group on National Accounts (AEG) especially where there is harmonization of definitions and other concepts between the Balance of Payments (BOP) and system of National Accounts (SNA). |
4/13/2005 | Bank of Korea | We have no objection to the recommendations of Advisory Export Group (AEG). |
4/12/2005 | Greece | We agree with the recommendations of the AEG on the issues for which a decision has been taken, at the December 2004 meeting of the group. |
4/12/2005 | Central Bank of Honduras | El tratamiento actual de las empresas multiterritoriales es objeto de inquietud por ciertas limitaciones, como por ejemplo que son empresas únicas que tienen operaciones importantes en más de un territorio, pero para las cuales resulta difícil identificar sucursales. En razón de lo anterior, el Grupo Técnico de Expertos en Balanza de pagos emitió recomendaciones, donde las complejidades prácticas de la implementación de las mismas deben ser examinadas en el nuevo manual. |
4/12/2005 | Central Bank of Cote d`Ivoire | La proposition de scinder les unités qui exercent des activités sur plus d`un territoire paraît conforme aux principes de confection de la balance des paiements. A cet égard, les travaux supplémentaires visant à définir la façon de scinder ces unités devraient être poursuivis. |
4/11/2005 | Central Bank of Kuwait | Kuwait agreed that:
(a) When formal separation is not possible then the treatment of multi-territory enterprises in BPMs should be extended to all kinds of activities.
(b) Units operating in zones of joint sovereignty should be split between these in ways that still need to be specified.
(c) Multinational enterprises should be taking account of IASB recommendations.
4/11/2005 | Bank of Tanzania/National Bureau of Statistics | We don`t have comment at the moment but we may have comments after the issue is firmed up by ISI meeting. |
4/11/2005 | Hong Kong, China | We agree that the treatment of multi-territory enterprises in BPM5 should be extended to all kinds of activities, when formal separation is not possible. For cases where splitting is suggested, the parameters and factors for doing the splitting should be clearly specified. |
4/11/2005 | The Netherlands | In relation to multi-territory enterprises and recognition of branches, we strongly support further research into the broader question of the treatment of multina-tional enterprises. As a consequence of the ever growing globalisation, the need for a better, internationally co-ordinated, approach becomes more and more rele-vant. In our opinion, the new updated SNA should contain more explicit interna-tional guidelines on the treatment of these enterprises. Otherwise, we will end up with national accoutants data which become less and less comparable. To give a better understanding of the problems involved, we have enclosed a paper on this issue that we have presented at the IARIW-conference in Cork (August 2004).
m2(c)ne15; |
4/11/2005 | Germany | m2(c)de25b2; |
4/11/2005 | Malawi | I fully endorse the recommendations of the Expert Group on National Accounts. |
4/11/2005 | Central Bank of The Netherlands | We support the decisions made by the AEG. We should, however, like to stress that some flexibility in the implementation of the recommendations is needed. |
4/11/2005 | Philippines | -There should be specific guidelines on identifying multi-territory enterprises. Do these include foreign operated satellite communication enterprises, foreign insurance companies providing insurance services to Philippine importers, call center services, foreign investment companies transacting business in the Philippines?
-Multi-territory enterprises are of complex nature but nonetheless the concept of residence should be applied. In this case, allocation of transactions/output should be clearly defined. For joint territories, some guidelines are needed here. If there are treaties involved between countries, these should serve as the reference. However, if there are no existing treaties/agreements (or the treaty does not explicitly state the treatment of economic activities in these areas) what will be the guidance on the treatment of these territories (i.e Spratley Islands are being claimed by various Asian countires and there have been some activities on these islands)
4/11/2005 | Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey | Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey agrees with all the recommendations. |
4/11/2005 | Russian Federation | We agree with the recommendations made by the AEG on National Accounts. |
4/11/2005 | South African Reserve Bank | We accept the recommendations of the AEG. |
4/11/2005 | South Africa | South Africa agrees with the recommendations. |
3/18/2005 | Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics | PCBS supports the decision of the committee in this regard. |